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Eclectus parrot - Too scared

Discuss the methods and techniques of clicker training, target training and bonding. These are usually the first steps in training a young parrot.

Eclectus parrot - Too scared

Postby encyclopedia » Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:31 pm

so a few days ago, I got the most cutest male Eclectus. When I first met him at the breeders, he was super calm and playful, yet when I brought him home and let him rest and get use to his surroundings for a couple of days (as instructed by the breeder), he is now very weary and doesn't really want human contact.

We can stick our hands into his cage to clean it up and such and he won't try bite unless you attempt to touch him, but as I read, most Eclectus will tend to freeze when scared rather then fly/ fight like other species.

Im not really sure how I can start socialising with him, and I was wondering if any Ecky owners had this experience and what they did to over come it.

He is only 16 weeks old and is super shy and quiet.

We sit my his cage a few hours a day and talk to him but he is still scared (which is understandable.

(at the moment, he isn't tempted by any treats meaning I can not train him like I did to my galah ): )

Thank you in advance x
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Re: Eclectus parrot - Too scared

Postby Bird woman » Mon Jan 09, 2017 10:39 pm

Please, please ,please ,be patient this is a baby and scared to death. I have only exp. with large birds and all rescues but until someone else with the knowledge answers your post I know enough to tell you to go slow and be comforting and forget about the training until you gain this baby's trust and devotion and then you will see the eagerness to learn explore and go for the goodies. :thumbsup: BW also if the other bird is around then it's double scarey ( hope you know about quarantining) a new bird before letting it be around your other bird if you still have it.
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Re: Eclectus parrot - Too scared

Postby encyclopedia » Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:44 pm

Bird woman wrote:Please, please ,please ,be patient this is a baby and scared to death. I have only exp. with large birds and all rescues but until someone else with the knowledge answers your post I know enough to tell you to go slow and be comforting and forget about the training until you gain this baby's trust and devotion and then you will see the eagerness to learn explore and go for the goodies. :thumbsup: BW also if the other bird is around then it's double scarey ( hope you know about quarantining) a new bird before letting it be around your other bird if you still have it.

Thank you so much haha. Unfortunately I only have this new baby boy as my rescue galah managed to escape when the strong winds were about in and blew his cage open. I'm taking it baby steps with him, coming from a quiet breeding box to a house full of my brothers would be a pretty big shock to him!
Thank you once again
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Re: Eclectus parrot - Too scared

Postby liz » Tue Jan 10, 2017 7:04 am

I have tried 3 times to post but the post disappeared. I am going to be blunt and to the point this time.

Give him a perch at face level. They are afraid of hands not faces.
The inside of his cage is the only thing he thinks he has. Keep your hands out.
He does not know what happened. A giant preditor took him away from everything he knew and put him in a strange place. He thinks you are going to eat him. He has no idea where he is and is really afraid.
In a flock he would feel secure and eat what they eat. You are now his flock. Give him time to watch you without you wanting anything from him. Eat in front of him so he learns fruit and vegies are better than seeds.

There is much more to learn but this will get you started until you have time to read. I will post this fast to keep from loosing it again.
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Re: Eclectus parrot - Too scared

Postby Bird woman » Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:03 pm

THANKS LIZ :thumbsup: BW
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Re: Eclectus parrot - Too scared

Postby Pajarita » Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:35 pm

If you are not already doing it, you need to handfeed this baby. He needs the extra nutrition (you would not feed a baby the same food you eat, right?) but he also needs the closeness and bonding that handfeeding brings. You are now supposed to be its parent and parents feed their babies in their mouths/beaks. No feeding in the beak means you are not the parent so why would he accept you? But be careful with the formula because they are all too high in protein for an ekkie so add pureed fruit and/or veggies to it (from baby food jars) - and make sure the mixture is freshly made (you can't 'save' formula from one feeding to another) and that temperature is good (cold formula can cause a slow crop which will result in a yeast infection) and that everything is sterilized or, at the very least, thoroughly washed.

Spend as many hours as you can with him (babies should never be alone, it's too stressful for them), just sit close to his cage and talk to it softly (praise, praise, praise), offer a treat every now and then (a little piece of a good quality, organic, multigrain bread, for example) and handfeed it twice a day (dawn and dusk) and you will see a huge change in his attitude.
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