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What Parrot Species Do You Like and/or Dislike? And Why?

Macaws, Cockatoos, Greys, Poicephalus, Conures, Lovebirds, Parrotlets, Parakeets etc. Discuss topics related to specific species of parrots and their characteristics, mutations, pros, and cons.

What Parrot Species Do You Like and/or Dislike? And Why?

Postby BirdNewbie » Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:04 pm

When I was younger (a child) my parents got me a Quaker. It just wasn't either the right match up or the right species or perhaps my obvious inexperience (being a child and never having a bird before)... Perhaps it was a combination of factors. However, it was a nightmare is the most I remember about the situation and I'm sure it could have been a nightmare for the bird in a way... He just seemed so unhappy and mad all the time. Don't get me wrong I think Quakers are adorable looking birds but for a combination of reasons it just didn't work. Flash forward into my adulthood I am thinking I would like to give bird ownership another chance... With that said, I'm not on a rush to just out out and buy any bird and be impulsive. I want to do my research and I want to make sure not only I find the right bird for my family and I, but I also want to have the knowledge to properly provide for the bird's emotional needs; including but not limited to financial ect., Which is why I'm here! I hope you all don't mind. To start out I would like to know about your experiences of the the different species of birds you have had or have and what traits you like and or dislike about 'them' and why... I know this question might come across a bit brash or offensive to some... but I just am looking for real opinions to make an educated decision on. I hope that makes sense... I understand a lot of people might find all birds perfect and all species perfect and that's wonderful!!! I am so jealous! Lol I wish I could have that perfect unconditional love in that sense but realistically I don't. I'm just being honest. I know bird ownership is a huge commitment and so I want to approach it knowing the good, the bad, and even the ugly. Perhaps at the end of this journey of learning and researching birds.. maybe I'll learn that as much as I adore them they are not indeed the family companion of our family. Although that would sting a little, I would accept that.. To me there's nothing worse than to make such commitment to an animal and the animal is miserable and the caretaker... I want to do everything to avoid that. I look forward to hearing your responses! I have so much to learn and I know this will be a long process but I'm excited to get started. Thanks!
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 1
Number of Birds Owned: 1
Types of Birds Owned: When I was a kid I had a Quaker
Flight: No

Re: What Parrot Species Do You Like and/or Dislike? And Why?

Postby Wolf » Sat Aug 20, 2016 8:30 am

First of all welcome to the forum.

There is nothing brash or offensive in your post. I wish many more people would take the time to do what you are doing before they got their birds instead of waiting until they begin to have issues with the bird. Research before is a wonderful way to start of and also, in my opinion the best way to begin.

There are about 350 different species of parrots, some of them are considered to be more of an aviary species and some are more of a companion species, some of them will do well with lots of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, a ration of seeds and/ or pellets and a few tree nuts. There are some species that require highly specialized diets. They range in size from parrotlets all the way up to the large macaws and cockatoos, capable of biting through chain link fencing. Some require more personal interaction than others with some require almost constant personal attention for them to be happy.

Some parrots are downright dangerous to have if one has children due to the severity of their bite, or even a nip that could require stitches. The reason for my mention of this is that parrots bite and if you have a parrot sooner or later you are going to get bitten. Most of the time this only occurs when the bird is afraid or when it is hormonal, but they all bite at times. Some species of parrots should only be kept by people that have lots of experience and others are more suitable for those with less experience.

In addition to reading about different species of parrots that you may be interested in, if there is a rescue for birds close enough to you, you might consider volunteering at one of them. This would give you more exposure to the different species that are more common in your area as well as valuable hands on experience with them. You may even find the right bird for you at the rescue. It is especially rewarding to know that the bird has chosen you as its special person before you bring it home and if the bird is an adult then this choosing of you as its special person is unlikely to change as it could if the bird is either a baby or juvenile.

I never recommend one species of parrot over another, but it might be helpful while you are researching on parrots to make a list of what you are looking for in a bird and then rank these wants in order of importance to you. Then make another list of what you can offer the bird in terms of its well being. Please feel free to ask as many questions as you want.
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Location: Lansing, NC
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African Grey (CAG)
Yellow Naped Amazon
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Re: What Parrot Species Do You Like and/or Dislike? And Why?

Postby Pajarita » Sat Aug 20, 2016 10:20 am

Welcome and I agree with Wolf, nothing offensive about your posting!

I am one of those people who likes them all. They can be mean, plucked, sick, old... it makes no never mind to me, I still like and love them. But I do realize that most people are not like me and you are doing the right thing by researching the issue before you make up your mind as to whether to get a parrot or not.

I am sorry you had such a bad experience with quakers as they happen to be one of my favorite species but they are not easiest parrots to keep happy or healthy and one of the main reasons is that people don't often know that they are not tropical, they are from temperate climates and, as such, intensely photoperiodic so they are one of the 'hormonal' species that often resorts to aggression because of it.

If you tell us what you can offer the bird in terms of number of hours you can spend with it, number of hours the bird will be alone, whether you have the room for a large cage or not, whether you have children or will have soon, what if any are your expectations, etc we can try to give you some options that might work out for you.
Norwegian Blue
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Number of Birds Owned: 30
Types of Birds Owned: RoseBreasted too, CAG, DoubleYellowHead Amazon, BlueFront Amazon, YellowNape Amazon, Senegal, African Redbelly, Quaker, Sun Conure, Nanday, BlackCap Caique, WhiteBelly Caique, PeachFace lovebird, budgies,
Flight: Yes

Re: What Parrot Species Do You Like and/or Dislike? And Why?

Postby Navre » Sun Aug 21, 2016 7:39 am

If you live in the US, a Quaker may not be an option for you, anyhow. Some states prohibit them, due to the fact that they can survive and establish feral populations. Massachusetts used to ban them, and Rhode Island still does.

You are right to seek a bird that matches your situation and lifestyle. There are just too may species to list characteristics one by one, but I'd suggest that you start by eliminating species that you know won't work for you. For example, maybe you have limited space; A Macaw would probably be a bad choice. Maybe you have lung problems; a cockatoo might be something to avoid.

Also, your age is a factor. I have an 18-month-old African Grey at the rescue who adores me, but because I'm 50+, I thought it would be irresponsible to consider adopting her. She is going to live another 50 years, and I certainly will not.

While general species characteristics are valuable, it's much more valuable to get to know individual, adult birds. I have had Macaws at the rescue who were quiet, and not destructive. That's atypical, and it's only something you can know about a bird once it is an adult. A bird can change when his situation changes, at any time, but generally once a bird is an adult, he is who he is going to be. Baby birds and juvenile birds tend to love everyone, but they can change when they become sexually mature. Some will prefer men, other women, others won't care as much. Some birds will love children, some will hate them. It's hard to say until the bird is mature.

I don't know where you are, but I'd suggest that you seek out a parrot rescue in your area. Some SPCA adoption centers have birds, too, although usually not many.

I tend to find that Greys like me, and female birds like me. Lately I've been doing better with Macaws, but I know I really don't have the room for one.

Good luck, and welcome!
African Grey
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Types of Birds Owned: Turquoise Green Cheek Conure
Hooded Parrot
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