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Macaws, Cockatoos, Greys, Poicephalus, Conures, Lovebirds, Parrotlets, Parakeets etc. Discuss topics related to specific species of parrots and their characteristics, mutations, pros, and cons.


Postby THEPETHOUSE » Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:45 am

Anyone familiar with the mutation called...Grizzles? I'm pretty sure our Bunchy is a" Grizzle ". Lots of red scalloped feathers throuhout her. She has had them ever since we rescued her about a year ago. Not too sure of her age but our avian vet said she seems to be around 6-8 years. I have read a little about red in the feathers could be signs of types of afflictions. She does have aspergillosis and a calcium deficincy and both issues are being treated and is doing much better. The seizures from the calcium issue was the hardest for us (and her i'm sure). Now they are very few and far between.Not as intense as when we first took her home. Now just tiny little ones.It is so unfortunate and sad the way people keep their "pets". The conditions in this house we took her from were so deplorable. The cage they had her in was a small parokeet cage, feces.dust and who knows what in and around the cage. Obviously never handled or paid any attention to. It is truely amazing that Bunchy is now a thriving loving bird. She has come such a long way.WOW sorry I went off on a tangent there. So, Grizzle. ever heard of it?? LOL
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Postby Pajarita » Sat Nov 19, 2016 2:15 pm

As far as I know, the Grizzle mutation has a very soft pink scalloping on the edge of its contour feathers, not actual red spots as in entire feathers been red instead of grey. My CAG is a normal gray, the kind that used to be called Cameroon (a slightly larger grey with silvery grey plumage), but, when she was been bullied by another gray, she started plucking her legs and, when the plucked feathers grew back, they came out red. Another known reason for red feathers in grays is liver damage and, if the bird has aspergillosis, I suggest you get a bile acid test done, if you haven't one done already because both the infection and the medicine for it damage the liver.
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Postby liz » Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:42 am

I didn't read a tangent. I read a loving caring human talking about your baby.

We want to read all you care to tell us about you and your baby.
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