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Need some advise on training

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Need some advise on training

Postby Komodeno » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:07 pm

So i have been training my 3 parrots for sometime and using the clicker.-may e now 2 weeks really seriouse and my biggest surprise was my e G2.He is really learning fast.Now he knows target,simple re-call and go back to perch.turn around in cue(just a signal with an index finger).He can wave but not shaped yet,he can also shake hand which actually is performed with the other leg-not the one for the wave.awe start training fetch and getting desensitize to his new harness.The harness will be a really a challenge,he is scared of anything new and takes a bit if a time to get use to things in the cage and. Se toys.He get his first forage toy and he is learning how to use it.
I'm not sure why the other two are not responding well to the training. Especially Jack-my B&G he learn how to wave  on cue but is not that eager to train.He is not even taking the treats all the time.When he goes back to his cage he always go to his food so he is not full when we train.I have tried nuts-walnuts,peanuts,pine nuts,almonds,hazelnuts seeds but nothing is really exiting him to really work for it.I don't know what to do.I do not give up yet. It need to find the solution.He can target but if he wants to.He step up that is not a problem  it I wish to teach him some other things.
My gray have good and bad days.He can turn,still not shaped well.He can fly from one chair(that is what I use for perches to train re-call) to another and back.He refuse still to land on my hand.I need to surprise him and stretch my hand in the end so he will have no choice but la d on it.He is also not that food motivated.Be loves to be scratched and will often not pay attention to the training but he will start cleaning his beak in the char and lower his head so he can be pet.
What can I do to make the other two birds more exited when training and increase their respond and attention?
Any power treats that you think may work?
Do you train your parrots everyday?I can do it every other day or in some days every second day.Do you think this is a problem?
Now I really run in some issues how to hold the clicker and the treats and click really fast but I'm getting thre.It is not the reaction of my click but more of the uncomfortable feeling that I. We'd to hold the treat the target stick and also click.Then with the G2 I need one hand empty so he will land on it when doing the re-call.Any ideas how to make it easy?
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 25
Location: Dubai, U.A.E
Number of Birds Owned: 3
Types of Birds Owned: African Gray
Goffin Cockatoo
Flight: Yes

Re: Need some advise on training

Postby marie83 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:44 pm

Have you tried taking their food out the cage a few hours before a training session, do they like Fruit? Ollie loves apple and it can be chopped up really small so you dont give too much through the training session.
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Re: Need some advise on training

Postby Komodeno » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:52 pm

Actually did not remove the food from the cage but they do not have really much there before the evening feeding after the training.I Di same for the Goffin and he ha e no issues.He will kill for seeds :)
I have. Ot trade fruits,I will se if it will make difference on the next training session.I m sure that I can make this work for the othe two. It just need to find the right formula.
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 25
Location: Dubai, U.A.E
Number of Birds Owned: 3
Types of Birds Owned: African Gray
Goffin Cockatoo
Flight: Yes

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