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My bird doesn't seem to like me as much anymore

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My bird doesn't seem to like me as much anymore

Postby diamondradleylover » Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:50 pm


I was hoping you could help me. I've had Zeus, my black headed caique, since October. He was really tame and came out of the cage etc straight away. He slowly started to trust me and he started rolling over for me to tickle his belly and started playing more etc. And now he seems to not want to be with me unless it's playing with his toys or having a treat. He doesn't attack me or anything he just doesn't seem to want to let me tickle him when he's out on me. The only thing I can think that's happened which may have upset him is that I had to shout at our dog in his company a few times but I don't know if that's it. He will now rather be with other people than with me unless there isn't anyone else. When I leave the room he looks for me and gets nervous that I'm gone. I don't think he hates me but I don't know what I've done or how to fix it. Please help.
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Types of Birds Owned: Black Headed Caique
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Re: My bird doesn't seem to like me as much anymore

Postby Navre » Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:49 pm

How old is he?
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Re: My bird doesn't seem to like me as much anymore

Postby diamondradleylover » Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:41 pm

He's about 6 months old.
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Types of Birds Owned: Black Headed Caique
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Re: My bird doesn't seem to like me as much anymore

Postby Navre » Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:38 pm

So many changes go on with baby birds. You may have scared him. He will probably forgive that quickly.
Very few birds like having their bellies tickled. It's more likely that this is just something he is outgrowimg. I am not familiar with Caiques, but i suspect that this is something he won't won't to do as he gets older. Also, you should limit touching to the head. Anything else will be sexually stimulating as he gets older.
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Re: My bird doesn't seem to like me as much anymore

Postby liz » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:58 am

These birds are not all cuddles and happy. They are deep thinkers too. Always give one the benefit of the doubt before letting your feeling get hurt.
One time Myrtle got so mad at me that she did not speak to me for 10 days. Hang on and stay your loving happy self. It will come around with love.
I tickle feet. They even ask me for tickles. Funny is when Myrtle lands on someone she just met and asks for a tickle.
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Re: My bird doesn't seem to like me as much anymore

Postby Loriusgarrulus » Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:23 am

My 6 moñth old black headed caique loves to lay on his back in my hand and play feets.
I tickle his toes and wiggle my fingers on his feet and he loves it and waves his feet about and grabs at my fingers with his feet.
I rub his beak and scratch his head and cheeks.
I dont touch his body as I dont want to sexually stimulate him.
Growing Old Disgracefully
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Re: My bird doesn't seem to like me as much anymore

Postby Pajarita » Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:10 pm

I have to agree with the previous posters. Like human babies, baby birds grow and they change... Do you have children? Because, if you have a little boy, you know that they would kiss you and hug you galore when they are little but, as soon as they start growing up, they start resisting and even 'wipe' your kiss of their cheek because they are '"not a baby!". Also, just like small children, they don't like screams, sudden movements or any type of threatening behavior - even if it's directed to another animal or person. My Mami YFA and Sophie CAG will scold us loudly when my husband and I argue (Sophie even tells us to be quiet - she says it "QWET! QWET!" :lol: ). They are very smart as well as masters of the human body language and tones of voice and know when we are talking 'nice' or when we are talking 'mean'. But they are also very loving and forgiving and I am sure that, if this is the problem, he will forgive you. Just keep on spending 3 to 4 hours of one-on-one time with him every day (better time is after their breakfast or before sunset) and everything will be OK.
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Re: My bird doesn't seem to like me as much anymore

Postby Dolphins321 » Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:41 am

Can the "getting older" and "growing" stage also result in changes in your bird's preference, for example, not liking millet that much anymore, or not wanting to train? Or am I just doing something wrong. :greycockatiel:
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Re: My bird doesn't seem to like me as much anymore

Postby Pajarita » Mon Mar 08, 2021 2:07 pm

Hi, Dolphin and tiel, welcome to the forum. I am not sure I understand your question/problem correctly. Is it that your bird no longer wants to train even when you offer a millet reward? If this is the case and the bird you are training is a cockatiel - age and the changes it brings can be the reason. Let me explain. People think that a parrot is a parrot is a parrot but it's not true. Every species has its own characteristics and needs and just because they are all highly social and very smart, it doesn't mean that they are all the same. Cockatiels are aviary birds - and aviary parrots are intensely flock oriented while companion parrots are more pair oriented (but lovebirds, for example, which are also aviary birds are, like companion birds, pair-oriented). They also do not bond as deeply with humans (because they imprint super duper young and are never confused as to which species they belong to, like large parrot species might when handfed from a too early age). The imprinting does not happen even when they are handfed -which is unusual for aviary birds to be because experienced breeders know that this is pretty much a waste of time and effort as, when they become sexually mature, they will always prefer another bird to any human. You do not say how old your bird is now but if it is over two years old, it is now sexually mature. You see, a baby bird is always a sweet tempered little thing that will want to be with you all the time - same as a puppy, a kitten, a calf, a colt, a fawn, etc. Babies need company to feel safe and aviary birds are no exception so, when they are little, aviary parrots behave the same as companion parrots - they want to be with and on you, they are docile and willing to learn during training, they don't bite, etc. But, once they become adults, they not only become sexually mature and need a mate/companion of their own species, they also become more self-assured and this makes them more willing to reject your training and even your company becoming more aloof as time goes by.

There is a reason why aviary parrots are super cheap while companion parrots are expensive: they breed much more easily and prolifically. Why? Because they are aviary birds! They know they are birds, they know to which species they belong to, they know that you are not their family and, during breeding season, they are the definition of a one-track-mind... all they want to do is find a mate and you are not it so why bother to please you by obeying your commands during training?

If you love your bird, please adopt another cockatiel (not a baby, mind you, it needs to be another adult) because, when it comes to their nature, there is no trick, no reward, no technique that can change Mother Nature's rules.
Norwegian Blue
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Flight: Yes

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