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Some tips on a green eclectus?

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Some tips on a green eclectus?

Postby blackscell » Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:19 pm

So my family in law got a green eclectus from somebody who had to move out of the country. When my parents in law went on vacation I took over the care for the green eclectus.

His feathers were really badly in shape and he had been plucking alot. In a month's time with me he grew back almost all of his feathers and got really attached.

So now he is back at my parents in law again for about 4-5 months. He has been plucking alot again, everytime I go to their house the parrot runs towards me and almost every time tries to mate with me.

I am thinking about taking him in with me but:

- How do I stop him from mating with me? He screams if I don't let him.
- How do I stop him from screaming? He can scream very loudly for weird reasons, like when you're eating he will just keep screaming even if he has food, he wants to eat from your plate.
-He is about 10 to 15 years old atm. How much hours would this breed need for a day? Cause I cannot spend more then 2-3 hours a day from monday till thursday, the other days I am free from work.

I know I don't have the time, but I think he'll be better of with me then with my parents in law. They have a red eclectus, she seems to like him but the male does not. Starts screaming and running if she sees her.

So I think that's why he plucks alot, they don't go together and he is stressed. He is not in the same cage, but they were put next to eachother in cage. Now they have moved him away, but I still think he's not in a good environment
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Re: Some tips on a green eclectus?

Postby Pajarita » Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:20 am

Welcome to the forum and thank you so much for caring for this bird! In case you are not aware of this, all male eclectuses are green and all females are red. There are different subspecies but they are difficult to identify and, nowadays, I doubt there are many of them that are actually pure because breeders did not know of the different species and just mated any male to any female. Eclectus are one of the most difficult species to keep healthy and happy in captivity because their social groupings are different from all other parrots [the females hang out with females and the males hang out with males], their breeding behaviors are also quite unique because there is one female and several males AND because they have the longest breeding season of all the parrot species [up to nine months of the year]. And, to put the icing on the cake, their diet is so specialized that we haven't been able to reproduce it yet and they all die young because of that.

Now, if the bird is plucking with them and not with you, he obviously prefers you to them. As to how many hours... well, the bare minimum is 4 hours of out of cage and 2 hours of one-on-one BUT the biggest problem you might have is that you need to keep them to a strict solar schedule because of their extra long breeding season.
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Re: Some tips on a green eclectus?

Postby Navre » Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:49 am

I think the question you n need to ask yourself is, "can I make this bird's life significantly better by taking it." You can't make its life perfect, but don't leave it in a 40% perfect situation because you can only give it 75% perfect.

If you're the best option for the bird, a move to your house would be beneficial.
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Re: Some tips on a green eclectus?

Postby Pajarita » Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:59 am

Yes, I guess you are right, John. You look at it from 'a rescuer adopting birds out' kind of situation. I look at it from a 'the bird should have a home where he gets all he needs' kind of thing - and that's why I hardly ever rehome birds and why I think that keeping parrots as pets is wrong. Because it's so very hard to find a home where they get all they need.
Norwegian Blue
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