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Goffins not a fan of wife

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Re: Goffins not a fan of wife

Postby Pajarita » Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:12 am

I am so glad that things are going better and that we were able to help your birds!

Now, do be careful what you feed them out of your own plates because, I don't know about you but my husband and I eat crap compared to what my animals eat :lol: Aside from the fact that our food has salt [a huge NONO for birds], we don't eat organic or even natural so, aside from an occasional tiny piece of dry whole grain toast which my husband gives them when he thinks I don't notice [he should know by now that I am 'The Eye In The Sky', I see everything, I hear everything, I know everything -this is what I told my kids and now tell my grandkids :lol: ], they never get people food.
Norwegian Blue
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Re: Goffins not a fan of wife

Postby liz » Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:35 am

I give mine things from my dish before I add salt and butter. Thanks to my bird I am eating healthier so I can share with them.

Mine did not want anything red until I got a pomagrant. I was eating it in front of them when they wanted to taste. I now give it every day. It is so funny watching Rainbow eat each little piece and spit out the seed.
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Re: Goffins not a fan of wife

Postby Sherlar » Thu Nov 15, 2018 12:00 pm

Correct, I am on a super restricted salt diet, so none of the foods I prepare have salt, and believe me, it is hard to find foods without salts, so I mostly cook everything from scratch. For me it is not difficult because we used to have an acreage and raised all our own meats and a lot of produce and canned and froze many of our foods. However, no salt makes everything taste like cardboard. Try it. I dare you.
I did buy a pomegranate, but have yet to try it.
But all said and done, we are slowly getting the birds to try new things. Slowly. Just found out that although the B&G hated cooked beans and lentils, he loved pinto beans smashed, as in refried! (my husband can eat those from a can. I cannot because of the salt) So now I will start making smashed cooked dry beans for him. He better eat them or I will roast him like a fine chicken!

I was quite surprised when I opened a box of chocolates ( almost x-mas here!) and the B&G saw this and came running faster than I ever saw him move, trying to beg chocolate. So somewhere in his previous 27 yrs, someone taught him the luxuries of chocolate.

I have started making tiny corn breads - without baking sodas etc- and putting chia seeds in one, wheat bulgar in another, teff in a third, etc, trying to slowly expand their palate. I even tried hiding jarred baby food veggies in one. Maybe in 6 months I will have them off pellets. And maybe I won't. The goffins may cause the end of me! The B&G is at least open to putting things in his mouth before throwing them at me. I actually got hit with a piece of kale.

The Goffins sits on top of the shower wall and watches us shower. I put on a show for him, which happens to actually make it more entertaining for me as well, in hopes that someday we will get the bugger to bathe. The B&G finally initiated a bath in his water bowl and actually allowed me to spray him with a bottle until he was thoroughly soaked. His first real bath since we have had him (6 months). Boy was he shiny! And he ENJOYED it. The last 2 families that had him in the last 18 months, weren't able to get him to bathe unless it was coerced. He has been deathly afraid of being sprayed, being in a bathroom, near a sink, or even a larger water bowl in or on his cage. So we were ecstatic when he finally decided to bathe and even enjoyed being sprayed.

Enough rambling! Oh, and yes, the goffins has a great singing voice and dances, until the phones come out to record him, then he becomes a statue. So funny!

Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 13
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: BG Macaw, Goffin cockatoo,
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Re: Goffins not a fan of wife

Postby liz » Fri Nov 16, 2018 7:23 am

It sounds like you two are having fun together.

My birdies are the center of my life.
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Re: Goffins not a fan of wife

Postby Pajarita » Fri Nov 16, 2018 10:40 am

I would not insist much on the beans... I have reduced the amount I put in the gloop to almost nothing. They are not really part of their natural diet - mind you, not that most of what we give IS part of it but even though we might offer a different kind of nut, they do eat nuts, and even though we might offer different fruits than what they evolved to eat, they are still fruits but, when it comes to beans, no bird eats them in the wild because they are toxic if not cooked thoroughly and at a high temperature.

I am suprised at the too not liking a bath! ALL my toos adored baths and the one I have now starts jumping up and down when he sees me coming with the spray bottle and screams like a maniac when I turn to spray another bird.

And I know what you are talking about food without salt! I had severe pre-eclampsia during pregnancies and ended up losing a HUGE amount of weight because I couldn't stand eating food without salt.

Try making birdy bread in a bread machine. That's what I do. I put everything in the machine at night and, in the morning, freshly baked birdy bread! I make one spicy and two fruity [because I like the fruity but not the spicy :lol: ].
Norwegian Blue
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Re: Goffins not a fan of wife

Postby Sherlar » Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:58 am

I love all your stories!!

And yes, the goffin plans his naughtiness. :danicing:

Correct. None of the foods I give the birds are actually found in the jungle. The B&G likes one brand of dried fruit, but not another. As if they can pick brands in the wild. The goffin refuses almost all nuts, except pistachios IN THE SHeLL. This week he likes sunflower nuts IN THE SHELL. Tried walnuts, pecans, hazel nuts, almonds, every fruit and veggies I could find in our home, refused the gloops I tried. He did eat a small piece of cornbread so i will keep trying to hide different things in the corn bread. He at the chia seeds with it but rejected the teff. Today he surprised us by eating a raisin. He hates grapes.

The B&G has begun to expand his interests sin e getting the goffin. He now wants to leave his cage and come to the kitchen with me, surprised me yesterday by wanting to ride on my shoulder for about 5 mins, then got on the furniture. Things he was unwilling to do before. He is also much more vocal now. I think in his childhood he was discouraged from doing a whole lot of things. And I think they used a spray bottle for discipline. He is 27 now. A very well behaved macaw. A little too well behaved.

Oh ... the wild jungle monkey sounds from the goffin... and the evil laugh he has sometimes, sounds like it is straight off a horror film. Then he will skip across his cage and giggle in the helium voice that he has.

Time to get busy.

Again, Thank all of you for input and encouragement.
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Types of Birds Owned: BG Macaw, Goffin cockatoo,
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Re: Goffins not a fan of wife

Postby liz » Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:57 am

I have not expanded my knowledge of birds. All I know is what mine are doing, hens the stories.
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Re: Goffins not a fan of wife

Postby Pajarita » Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:19 am

I don't give my birds any dry fruits - well, that's not strictly true because I do use them for the gloop flavorings or the birdy bread but I always make sure they are the naturally dried, unsulfured, organic ones and that I reconstitute them by soaking them in hot water overnight before I add them. Parrots in the wild never eat anything dry and i always try to make it as natural as possible for them. As to chia, my birds hate it [too darned small and makes a glutinous mess when cooked]. With big birds, you need to get big grains like kamut, spelt, oat groats, etc. As to their not liking gloop... well, I have cared for, literally, hundreds of parrots and have never had a single one that did not like it so, if I were you, I would try again and make sure is not 'gloopy' [my birds don't like it all sticky and mushy, they like a coarse texture with semi-hard, separate grains], that is served at dawn and that they have no access to protein food.
Norwegian Blue
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Flight: Yes

Re: Goffins not a fan of wife

Postby Sherlar » Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:18 pm

I agree. What I am doing right now, and for the next few months, it just trying to expand their palate and trying to get that goffin to even try new things. Usually he just turns his head away and refuses it. The macaw will at least be polite enough to take it with his beak before discarding it. So over and over with new foods and new textures. And repeat and repeat again. The macaw is more open to things than that evil goffin and his hunger strikes! And like a two year old, when hungry is in a bad mood, but can't get him to eat, unless it is the pelleted food. After he proved he could go 24 hours without eating, we changed tactics, and ever so slowly, we will get there. But I think we will. May not be perfect, but it is something.

Pomegranate. So the one I got, finally ripe per google search. Very excited. Cut it up into quarters, i started eating my first one. Not bad. The B&G is watching me, a little interested, I give him his own quarter. He accepts it, tongue touches it, spits it back out and proceeds to try and get the flavor off by rubbing his beak on everything and drinking lots of water. He gives me a look as if I just tried to poison him. ( I kind of like it. Interesting) I grab another quarter and start eating it. He stares at me as if I have lost my mind. I leave his piece on his cage with him and go make my morning coffee. 5 mins later I return, he has that pomegranate back in his mouth and throwing bits around. Possibly getting bits into him. Most of the seeds and the juice surrounding them is landing on the floor. No big deal. He is at least interested in whatever this fruit may be. Will try again another day. I placed a piece on top the goffins cage, thinking since he just removed the grommet from my husbands jeans, he may enjoy attacking the pomegranate. Nope. Afraid of the fruit. Well I shall leave it there in hopes he will attack and dismantle the fruit later.

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Types of Birds Owned: BG Macaw, Goffin cockatoo,
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Re: Goffins not a fan of wife

Postby Pajarita » Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:30 am

Well, in my personal experience, you can't convert a bird to a good diet in a day, a week, a month or even a year :lol: I had a gray that took five years to try her first blueberry even though she got them once a week throughout the five years and all birds love them. But, with one single exception, all the birds I've got switched to gloop in no more than 3 days. The exception was a quaker that absolutely refused to eat it for two whole weeks and only ate her dinner at night and some fruit so, in desperation, I allowed her out of her cage [I use the quarantine time to switch them to gloop] and the following morning she ate all her gloop! It wasn't the gloop she did not like, it was the eating in her cage! So observe them and try to figure out where they like to eat what [I have an African redbelly female that only eats produce outside her cage]. I bet you a dollar against a nickel that if you make a simple gloop of only grains that are large and cooked barely al dente and flavored with the tiniest sprinkle of cinammon, the 'evil too' will eat it - and love it!

I don't give the birds the actual pomegranate, I give them the seeds in a little dish or a bowl [the white thing is not very good and it feels weird in the mouth so I would assume it's the same for them in the beak] and, in truth, this is one of the few things that ALL my parrots love [even the budgies which are a pain in the neck to get to eat fruits].
Norwegian Blue
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
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Number of Birds Owned: 30
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Flight: Yes


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