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My weaned lovebird still doesn't have primary feathers?

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My weaned lovebird still doesn't have primary feathers?

Postby Renee55 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:23 am

I bought a lovebird weanling and when I received the bird, it was eating well and had all of it's body feathers, but didn't have any of it's primary feathers, and only 6 tail feathers, of which 3 fell out, due to the stress of the shipping I believe. It also had a hard time holding onto perches and getting around the cage, and I figured this was due to it just being newly weaned, or maybe even weaned early. It's now been over a month that I've owned this bird, and even though my bird can get around easier and cling to things better, there are still no primary feathers, and no new tail feathers. It's almost like he was weaned too early, but then again I've bought weaned birds before and when they have all their body feathers, they have all had their full wing feathers as well AND been clipped for me. This baby hasn't even grown them out yet.

So my question there anything wrong with my bird? Is this normal, should I wait longer? If the wings should have already been grown out, what is the reason they aren't yet? Any suggestions or answers would be very helpful. I've tried waiting to see if they'd grow, but there is just nothing and every time I look, it doesn't appear to be showing any differences.
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Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: cobalt black masked & peach face lovebirds
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Re: My weaned lovebird still doesn't have primary feathers?

Postby liz » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:15 am

my opinion [u][i][/u][/i]If he is eating and playing and alert, I would just wait. No two beings are alike. If this really concerns you take him to the vet for a checkup.

The first thing that came to my mind was jiardia (spelled wrong). My Charlene had it and her feathers fell out at random and did not grow back even after she was cured.
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Re: My weaned lovebird still doesn't have primary feathers?

Postby Renee55 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:24 pm

I don't think it's a disease. I don't see any feather plucking behavior, and it's only the primary feathers that are missing. It's not bare skin that I see either. I do see what appears to be new shafts for feathers, but they're just not doing anything. Not getting bigger, not growing. Is there anything I can put into the food or water that helps with feather growth? I have a mineral block in the cage, but the bird doesn't eat on it.

What's the longest you've ever seen it take for all feathers to completely grow out? I'll wait till that period, then try a vet if nothing happens still. Bird is acting completely normal. Only thing I notice is a lack of strength, and I'm assuming this is due to maybe being weaned too early. Any thoughts?
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 2
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: cobalt black masked & peach face lovebirds
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