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Parakeet Very attached to Its toy?

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Re: Parakeet Very attached to Its toy?

Postby Pajarita » Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:55 am

Correct, Wolf. The one and only time I've seen two male budgies fight was two brothers, on their first season, vying for the same hen - and this was in a flock of over 30 birds and once in all the years I've kept budgies. Budgies love other budgies. Sometimes, an overly hormonal one would be a bit too insistent on his attentions to his chosen female and she would scold him but that's about it! They never even bicker, they like each other so much!

If Blu is a boy and you get an older hen, it will be perfect. Mind you, by older I don't mean really old, just a hen that is already sexually mature (one year or older) because, if she is too young, he might pester her too much been that he is so hormonal. And, if you get a hand-fed (difficult to find but not impossible) or one that has been living by herself in another home, you should have no problem whatsoever keeping and even improving the relationship you now have with him. If, on the other hand, you can only find 'wild' ones, don't worry too much about it, in my personal experience, budgies that are happy and healthy are easy to tame if you take the time to do it - I don't do anything with mine except clean their flight cage and feed and water but none of them are afraid of me. And I have one that has no feet and a bad wing which spends most of her time on platforms I cover with cardboard and paper (to provide a clean, flat and solid surface for her to stand on) that knows I am going to move her from one to another and just patiently waits for me to pick her up (can't make her step up, she has no feet) and doesn't even blink when I do it -that's how tame they become! And she has an able-bodied boyfriend which hitchhikes a ride on my hand when I move her :lol: - that's how tame they become!
Norwegian Blue
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Re: Parakeet Very attached to Its toy?

Postby Blu » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:12 am

Ill look into getting him a mate. But I dont want him to just ignore me if I get another parakeet. He doesn't sound like he is hormonal from your posts about him being hormonal just that its his favorite toy. Like a child with there favorite Teddy Bear. Could it be that since it was His first toy he enjoys it the most? I have only seen him regurgitate once and that was a couple months ago.
Blu the Budgie :budgie2:

Connor the Green Cheek Conure :gcc:
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Re: Parakeet Very attached to Its toy?

Postby Blu » Sat Sep 13, 2014 12:46 pm

I forgot to mention, He doesnt sleep with the toy like he would a mate. He snuggles with his corner cozy and mirror.
Blu the Budgie :budgie2:

Connor the Green Cheek Conure :gcc:
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Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Parakeet, Cinnamon Green cheek Conure
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Re: Parakeet Very attached to Its toy?

Postby Wolf » Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:12 pm

Well, it is possible that it is just his favorite toy. At this time, I can't tell you how hormonal he is or isn't, but if the information that you give me contains symptoms of being hormonal and/ or factors which would cause a hormonal imbalance, then I can tell you that it appears to me that he is hormonal.
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Re: Parakeet Very attached to Its toy?

Postby Blu » Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:29 pm

Got it. I am wondering when You all were saying solar cycle what you meant
Blu the Budgie :budgie2:

Connor the Green Cheek Conure :gcc:
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 176
Location: Rochester NY
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Parakeet, Cinnamon Green cheek Conure
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Re: Parakeet Very attached to Its toy?

Postby Wolf » Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:52 pm

A solar cycle simply refers to the normal rising and setting of the sun from the point in the morning when the impending rise of the sun above the horizon begins to lighten the sky all the way through dusk in the early evening until full dark.
This is important because the birds body and brain contain these funny little cells, called photoreceptors, that are highly sensitive not only to light but to specific wavelengths of light. These cells are responsible for keeping the birds body in tune with the seasons. This is a very simplified explanation of the birds biological clock. So then certain wavelengths of light combined with the total amount of light inform the birds body that it is time to get ready for breeding season, that breeding season is over and it is time to molt or even that it is time for the body to rest from seasonal exertions as well as daily ones.
These cells respond to the light and send very specific signals to the glands that make up the endocrine system, this system responds by producing and releasing various chemical compositions, called hormones into the body. These hormones tell the birds body everything from what time of day or time of year it is and tell the body what it needs to be doing at this time. In this manner the endocrine system controls the entire body of the bird. Some of these hormones affect the bird in ways that we do not perceive, while other trigger excitement, sexual behaviors or aggression in the bird. This is the reason why it is important to have the bird on a solar schedule where it is exposed to all of the lighting conditions provided by the sun and where the bird rises with the sun and goes to bed when the sun does.
This is a very simplified explanation, but I hope it answers you question.
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Re: Parakeet Very attached to Its toy?

Postby Blu » Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:15 am

Wow thats pretty cool
Blu the Budgie :budgie2:

Connor the Green Cheek Conure :gcc:
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
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Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Parakeet, Cinnamon Green cheek Conure
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Re: Parakeet Very attached to Its toy?

Postby Pajarita » Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:37 am

And you wanna hear something even cooler? Humans and mammals only have photoreceptors in the eyes but because light is so important to birds, they also have these cells deep inside their brain and these cells can sense the light because the bones that make the cranium are so thin that actually allow light to shine through them! Now, is that cool or what?!

But Wolf got one point confused: it's not the different wavelengths that tell the bird which season it is, it's the length of the daylight hours (long days are for breeding, short days are for resting, etc). What the different light wavelengths (this actually refers to the different colors of light that make up sunlight -you know, like the rainbow) do is turn on and off the 'stopwatch' so they know when the day is longer and when it's shorter.
Norwegian Blue
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Flight: Yes

Re: Parakeet Very attached to Its toy?

Postby Wolf » Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:09 am

Not confused as I said that the different combined with the total amount of light tells it when it is breeding season or not.

You said that the wave lengths turn the stopwatch on and off so that they know the length of the day, while the length of the day tells them its breeding season or not.

The two statements are remarkably similar.
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Re: Parakeet Very attached to Its toy?

Postby Blu » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:18 pm

That is really cool. Also You should have seen Blu when we were playing last night. SO cute
Blu the Budgie :budgie2:

Connor the Green Cheek Conure :gcc:
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 176
Location: Rochester NY
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Parakeet, Cinnamon Green cheek Conure
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