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Visual stimulation ideas

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Visual stimulation ideas

Postby DanaandPod » Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:56 pm

Hi. I would like to share some visual stimulation ideas for my parrot and hope for some contributions. These are for when I am not home. One of the things my parrot really is attracted to is a window prism that I have. It is solar powered. when it is real sunny starts to turn the crystal and small rainbows move around the room/walls. I also just got a water ball aquarium. It lights up and has slight movement... my parrot seemed to take interest in watchin it. It is battery operated and so there is no risk of fire. I also got an idea to get some rainbow reflective paper and make a huge mobile... (obviously i would only hang it up when he is in his cage.) I also have seen battery operated things like a butterfly that moves in circles...its something that can be stuck in a plant. And, could c atch his eye. What u all think? Movement in of itself adds to a stimulating environment, I think...
Piccolo and Pod
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Re: Visual stimulation ideas

Postby Wolf » Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:55 pm

I have never tried any of those things as my birds keep watch on each other as well as the birds outside. I do provide various toys for them to play with and I have a laser pointer that I sometimes use, some run from the red dot and some love to chase it about. I have a blue and a red stuffed bird that Skeeter just loves to attack. These birds were actually designed as cat toys and are a little bigger than Kiki, my Senegal, so it is funny as all get out to watch Skeeter, my Parrotlet attacking them with murder in mind.
Your ideas sound like they work well.
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Re: Visual stimulation ideas

Postby liz » Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:21 am

That is quite inventive of you. Anything that draws their attention is really good. Mine only have the usual toys and pieces of branches but they are in a room with all windows and can see outside. They are in the center of activity since the pet door is also in that room.
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Re: Visual stimulation ideas

Postby Pajarita » Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:15 pm

I also have multiple birds and they just entertain each other... I hardly ever even need to get them toys, plain chewing material like wood and cardboard keeps them busy. But, yes, I would assume that movement would call their attention... only I don't know how efficient it would be in retaining his attention after a couple of day been that it's the same repetitive movement of the same thing.
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