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Found awesome toy, going to attempt home-made

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Found awesome toy, going to attempt home-made

Postby pabeth » Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:58 pm

Habitat Defined Enrichment Pods. They are awesome! THey have... 6 kinds, I bought 2. ONe has blocks and holes that you can put treats in and the other I bought has a swinging door to hide treats in. The downside is that the food that they recommend is too small and when he openes the little door it all comes spilling out. Toys wer 4 dollars each at petsmart. I might just go return the food, I think the ingredients is millet and only a little fruit held tgether by gelatin. Maybe a big chuck of dried fruit will be more suitable. and less wasteful, plus when it falls to the bottom, he try to eat it, and it is uncomfortable for me, since the bare bottom of the cage is no place to eat food!

So my idea to make the other ones, one has stuf you can stuff with nesting material or food, one for milliet spray, etc. The millet spray one was just a box with holes in it. I make that! The swinging door one is easier to buy and the blocks one I bought because I wanted to get each bird a toy, to be fair. BUt probably I could make that too. Anyway, wanted to share that the toy is awesome... and if you get it to get bigger treat (bigger than the hole).
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Posts: 26
Number of Birds Owned: 3
Types of Birds Owned: 2 Pacific Parrotlets
American Parakeet
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