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Need help

Postby MariaH » Sun May 06, 2018 11:50 am

I just got 2 macaws. One female harlequin 6yrs, and a male greenwig, 5. They are a bonded pair. So sweet in love and he is very protective of her. I got them from a couple of guys that rescue birds. They originally came from a lady that could no longer keep them. I have experience with macaws, I had a blue and gold that bonded with me. These babies don't care for guys and does better with females. I am trying to earn their trust and get them use to people. I'm have small progress, but it is progress. They haven't been handled in quite a while. I was thinking of separating them in cages and keeping them side by side. And let them have time together in the evening. Do you think that could own then up to socializing with others instead of just each other? Do you think that would have the same affects of separating them?
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 2
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Harlequin macaw, greenwig macaw,
Flight: Yes

Re: Need help

Postby liz » Mon May 07, 2018 4:53 am

NO. Keep them together. They will be braver that way and adventure more. Work with the one who is closer to you. The other will follow.
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Re: Need help

Postby MariaH » Mon May 07, 2018 5:14 am

Thank you for responding. Is going to be a long patient journey. I was able to get them bask in their cages last night without as much trouble as they have given me the first couple of times I've leet them out. They seem to be getting interested in the human family around them now. Another small progression.
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 2
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Harlequin macaw, greenwig macaw,
Flight: Yes

Re: Need help

Postby Pajarita » Wed May 09, 2018 11:00 am

Welcome to the forum, Mariah and I am sorry I did not reply to you sooner. Don't separate them. We, as humans, cannot begin to comprehend the degree of closeness a bonded pair of parrots has... They are not like us -fickle, easily bored with our current mates and always looking for greener pastures- to them, their mate is the alpha and the omega of their existence. So, please, don't do it, they would suffer if you do.

You don't say how long you've had them, what diet they are getting or what light schedule they are under and all those things are important points because as long as they are kept at a strict solar schedule with full exposure to dawn and dusk, not free-fed protein food, allowed flight and, at least, six hours of out-of-cage time, you should not have a problem with them becoming overly hormonal -which is, by itself, the reason why people think that bonded birds are more difficult to handle than single ones. I actually strive to get all my birds bonded to another of their own species... I get them DNA'd, look for potential mates and do my outmost for them to bond to each other, and it works great for them and for me!

The only 'problem' you mention is getting them back in their cage at night but that is never a problem if you don't free-feed protein food and keep them at a strict solar schedule because, as the sun goes down, they will gladly go into their cage to eat their protein dinner and find their roosting perch - all on their own and without you having to 'convince' them :D
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