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Pajarita's update

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Re: Pajarita's update

Postby Pajarita » Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:18 am

I've been waiting and waiting to give you this update because I wanted to post pictures of the birds but my husband won't be home for 12 or 13 days and he is the one that takes pictures so they will have to wait until the next one.

I wanted to show you the budgies, which are doing SOOO well! It's sheer joy just to watch them! They get along famously and, although Blue had shown -and still shows every now and then- an interest in Flora, he still goes back to Chloe. Not that she seems to care one way of the other because she does her own thing all the time and doesn't seem to have a whole lot of interest in Blue. The others, Luna, Tweety and Harley are all doing well. Harley eats a bit too much [he is always the first one going down to the dish or the greens] but he doesn't gain any weight due to his liver problems and, despite meds and good diet, I doubt he will ever get well. But he is doing as well as can be expected and seems real happy... And I don't know if it's my imagination but he seems to be molting darker than before. He was never a plain blue, he's a violet and whereas before I thought he had only one dark factor, it seems that he actually has two because you can actually see the black hue in his feathers now -REAL pretty! They are all molting -and it's a real hard molt for them, too, due to the bad diet all but Harley had before- but the hens are still sporting their 'brown moustaches', testament to how opportunistic they are as breeders!

Paquita and Rajah are doing well even though they did not try to breed this season - but that might have been because they were still 'too new' to the home - we will see what happens next spring. Paquita continues being the Queen of Mean :lol: but she has perfect plumage now, eats like a champ [LOVES the greens and fruits!] and gets along with Rajah very well.

Codee is doing well and her usual sweet self with me BUT lately, I've seen her pushing poor Pablo off the food dish, especially for the seed dinner, so I've started spreading the seeds over the covered platform where they sleep at night and where Pablo spends most of his time. Pablo is still fighting real hard to stay alive, bless his little heart! He eats, he drinks, he bathes, he poops, he sleeps and he screams for his dinner every evening so I guess he will be with us for a little while longer. He can no longer use his feet much... it's not as if he has lost more toes or gotten hurt or anything so I am guessing it's arthritis. He has taken to walking [actually, it's more limping than walking] on his ankles. He can still climb if in a pinch but I've been trying to get him used to my picking him up to put him up on the platform when he falls down and, given enough time, I think it could be achieved without him stressing out because he is getting better at it. This is one of those times that one doesn't know what is better for the bird... Is it better not to touch him and allow him to climb on his own even though it's obviously so very hard for him? Or is it better to stress him out a bit and pick him up to avoid him such hardship?

Sunny Sun Conure is slowly becoming a decent flier. Notice I don't say a 'good' flier because I doubt she will ever get to that but she is much more self-assured about it, much more daring and more adept. The days are now getting shorter so I started drawing the black out curtains I have between the kitchen and the dining room so as not to expose the birds to the artificial lights I have no choice but to turn on when I come downstairs with the dogs and Miss Sunny has taught herself how to open them (she flies to them, hangs on to the middle of the curtains -where the two panels meet- with her feet and, with her beak, opens them up so she can stick her head in and then her body] so she can sneak into the kitchen to be on my shoulder. Needless to say, each time I send her back to the darker dining room but it's becoming harder and harder because she has figured out that when I put my hand to her on my shoulder, I am going to 'throw her out' and the little imp screams at me and flies away so I can't do it :lol: Smart cookie, eh? She is also molting but, for the first time since she came to me, it's a perfectly nice and soft molt so YAAAAYYY for her!

Sweetpea and Zoey Senegal are still very interested in nest sites and still chewing way too much but I don't think she will nest because silly Sweetpea does not feed her in her beak! They do get along just fine now, he preens her and she preens him and, even though sometimes she gets a little testy with him when he stands what she considers much too close to her, they are, pretty much, always together but, although I've seen her looking into the nest, I've never seen her actually going into it so, although we are not in fall yet, I don't think she will lay any eggs -which is, of course, totally fine with me! They are not molting yet and neither are the redbellies, as far as I can tell.

Davy and Isis Redbelly are not 'hooking up' any time soon but, aside from that, they are doing great. These birds are EXCELLENT eaters and it's a joy to feed them, I swear! They both like to eat VERY early in the morning so I am thinking that it must be a species trait. They are always the ones that are pestering me when I am preparing the produce for everybody, stealing stuff all the time to the point that I now cut two extra pieces first so they can eat them in the kitchen while I am working. Davy will still, every now and then, court Zoey, trying to feed her in her beak but it's becoming more and more seldom -which works for me as I want him to bond to Isis. She has now become very affectionate with me and insists on being on me all the time so I am teaching her to share me with Sunny and it's working - very slowly but working. Davy is also very smart! He has not only learned the routine to the point that he anticipates the actions but has also learned what I say when and has taken it upon himself to 'help' me with the cats dinner. The cats eat on my dining room table [I have a thick, transparent plastic cover on it and, although they eat in paper plates, I use plastic plates under them so as not to mess up the table at all] and, when I come with the food, I call them by going 'BSSBBBSSSSBBBBSSSS COM'ERE! COM'ERE!' and now, as soon as go through the kitchen door and start going 'BSSSBSSS' he goes COME HERE! :lol:

The old ladies, Naida and Mami are also molting and getting more feathers but Mami is already overpreening both of them and you can see that, although the feathers are there, they are all frayed so I don't know how long they will last... But they are eating very well and very happy! Naida, which used to only say 'Hi, Nate' and only in the evenings right before her dinner has taken to talking more. She now says Hello and mumbles all kinds of human sounding something but I can't still understand what she is saying IF she is saying anything at all :D

Zeus and Precie YellowNape are very happy, roaming all over the birdroom now that they are no longer hormonal. They are also molting and the brown 'stain' Precie had on her abdomen is getting smaller and fainter by the day. They get along just fine with Sophie CAG and Linus which continue their relationship -whatever it happens to be. Linus Too actually has remiges and rectrices right now! Only half the rectrices so he has the right side of his tail but not the left, and not all the remiges, either, but there are some and they are whole... so far. I doubt they will last the entire year but, although I am not completely sure, I do think he is allowing more feathers to come out AND remain whole for a longer period of time this year. If there is going to be a breakthrough in his plucking, it would be happening about now because he has been with me for a couple of years now so it's about that time when they finally 'feel' their new home as their own. Mind you, a 'breakthrough' doesn't mean he is going to stop plucking now or even in the near future because these things never happen like that! Birds that have plucked for years and years very rarely actually stop completely but they do show improvement and that's what I am hoping for.

Everybody else is doing well. Itsy stopped calling every morning and every evening the day after Bitsy joined him and they get along famously! They are always together and sleep side by side - cute little things! Canaries, finches and cardinal doing good. Dogs got fleas so I had to do the Treatment [with capital T] which is A LOT of work as I have so many animals that I can't afford to get an infestation but it's the only way I can be certain. I already vacuumed and washed all the floors in the house with flea med, changed all their and our bedding and covers for the sofas. I also treated all the dogs and cats with the drops and bombed my bedroom. But I still have to mow and rake the backyard so I can treat it with the special spray for dirt because I am sure that's where they got them as I feed ferals which, of course, have fleas -I'll do that as soon as I am finished here.

Oh, I also have a very young [maybe not even 2 weeks old] feral kitten I brought in because his eyes were terribly infected and would not have made it out there so I am bottle feeding every 3 hours [day and night -ay ay ay!]. But he will be adopted out for sure! My husband calls me every day to check in and when I told him that I had bad news, he asked if I had crashed the new car [he ALWAYS asks the same thing and it aggravates me something terrible because I've never had a single accident in my entire life so I don't know why he always assumes that!] and, when I told him that it was that I had take in still another kitten, his reply was: "Ooooh, I don't mind about that at all!" That man loves cats as much as I love birds, I swear! If it was up to him, we would have 50 of them! Thank goodness he stops me on the birds and I stop him on the cats! Perfect marriage! :lol: :lol:
Norwegian Blue
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 18708
Location: NW Pa
Number of Birds Owned: 30
Types of Birds Owned: RoseBreasted too, CAG, DoubleYellowHead Amazon, BlueFront Amazon, YellowNape Amazon, Senegal, African Redbelly, Quaker, Sun Conure, Nanday, BlackCap Caique, WhiteBelly Caique, PeachFace lovebird, budgies,
Flight: Yes

Re: Pajarita's update

Postby liz » Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:54 am

My cousin in Tampa lives in a country drop out sight for critters. She has taken in so many cats that they had to have their own house. When she finds one or one finds her she gets it fixed and adds it to her collection. They even put AC in the cat house.
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Flight: Yes

Re: Pajarita's update

Postby Pajarita » Sat Sep 09, 2017 9:25 am

Well, we don't have a 'cat house' - yet :lol: But we do have a cat room where they go when the birds are out and my husband has been talking about buying a shed, putting insulation and shelves and running electricity into it so the ferals can have a warm place to sleep in the winter. And the plan is to have a large and completely enclosed [with wire mesh] outdoor area for them to be able to go out safely when we move back home. I had a friend [the president of the dog and cat rescue group I used to work with] who had one like that for her cats, with its own little cat door to go in and out of the house and her cats loved sunning themselves and looking at the birds and other wildlife -that's where I got the idea.
Norwegian Blue
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Location: NW Pa
Number of Birds Owned: 30
Types of Birds Owned: RoseBreasted too, CAG, DoubleYellowHead Amazon, BlueFront Amazon, YellowNape Amazon, Senegal, African Redbelly, Quaker, Sun Conure, Nanday, BlackCap Caique, WhiteBelly Caique, PeachFace lovebird, budgies,
Flight: Yes

Re: Pajarita's update

Postby Navre » Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:52 am

If writing the update takes that long, I can't imagine how long it takes to care for them all! Great work!
African Grey
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Re: Pajarita's update

Postby Navre » Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:08 am

Ocean also flies through the curtains. She hits the center where they meet hard enough when she lands that they flip her around to the other side and she takes off without missing a beat. Where it's a single curtain, she does the same thing where it meets the floor.
African Grey
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Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Turquoise Green Cheek Conure
Hooded Parrot
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Re: Pajarita's update

Postby Pajarita » Sun Sep 10, 2017 10:13 am

Cleaning and feeding them alone takes a few hours a day but I am so used to doing it that I no longer notice - and I have my 'shortcut systems' that I've developed over the years and enable me to save time. The physical work I have to put into them is the one big beef my husband has with the birds... He doesn't mind the money and has gotten used -and resigned :lol:- to the damage they constantly cause [right now, the three windows in the living room and one in the dining room need the molding put around their sills to protect them changed and a hole chewed on the wall above one of the windows repaired, and the whole parrot room upstairs need to be redone before the cold sets in and I cannot open the windows to air it out -and I am talking walls, windows, baseboards and flooring!]. But he worries about my hands that are getting worse and worse all the time [it's not the pain, one can live with it, it's the deformation, especially my right hand which I can no longer open fully, and the loss of strength and dexterity]. He would be happy if I did not do anything but he doesn't understand that I would not be happy just sitting there doing nothing - I would not know what to do with myself! And that's another reason why he's in a big hurry to move back home - because, there, I could have a live-in girl to do all the scrubbing, lifting, etc. and I would not mind too much because I'll be busy studying as I am planning on going back to school.
Norwegian Blue
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 18708
Location: NW Pa
Number of Birds Owned: 30
Types of Birds Owned: RoseBreasted too, CAG, DoubleYellowHead Amazon, BlueFront Amazon, YellowNape Amazon, Senegal, African Redbelly, Quaker, Sun Conure, Nanday, BlackCap Caique, WhiteBelly Caique, PeachFace lovebird, budgies,
Flight: Yes

Re: Pajarita's update

Postby stevesjk » Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:25 am

Pajarita, i know it's a sensitive topic and the work you do is amazing, do you think you know your body well enough to know if it was getting too much and you had to retire from bird keeping? I can imagine its very difficult for rescuers to say enoughs enough, emotionally impossible to give them all up. Is the plan to keep going until you physically cant do it anymore?
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 220
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Senegal parrot budgie
Flight: Yes

Re: Pajarita's update

Postby Pajarita » Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:04 am

Your question, Steven, is one that is very hard to answer because whether we are really able to do something or not is a completely subjective estimation - and one that I will be the first one to admit that I am not very good at because I tend to think that I can do anything. When we were younger, my husband used to call me 'the atomic ant' because no matter how heavy the thing was that needed moving or lifting or how hard the task, my reply was always "I can do it!" I was one of those women that would tear down a wall, take down cabinets, build an island, lay tiles, etc. I can do 'mud' and paint a room better than most professionals and this is no exaggeration! But I learned my lesson in Pennsylvania when I took way too much and ended up in real bad shape. The only good thing I can say about it is that I was the one that suffered because the animals were taken care of properly even down to the last minute.

But, precisely because I am getting old and are very much aware of the fact that I can't do as much as I used to and that my physical deterioration will get worse is that we are moving back home. Because there, dollars go a long way and I could afford the necessary infrastructure to make things easier on me [no cages to scrub being one of them!] as well as somebody to do all the heavy work and cooking/preparing food for them. Plus, I have lots of family there and they would help. I only have one daughter here in USA, the other six are back home as well as the rest of the family (brother, sisters in law, nieces, nephews, cousins, even friends from when I was a child with whom I have stayed in touch] with the exception of my younger brother who lives in Spain. One of my daughters in law is an animal lover like me and she might be the one that will 'inherit' my rescues.

Some of my little birds will be rehomed before I move back and I would think that a couple of the old ones will die -although I'm still waiting for Pablo to kick the bucket so I won't be surprised if he's still alive by the time we are moving back :lol: And I am bringing pairs and no single birds with me because caring for a bonded pair is much, much, much easier than caring for a single one. After that, it will be natural attrition for the birds because they won't be replaced as they die off [people don't really keep parrots as pets back home so it's not as if there will be homeless ones to take in].
Norwegian Blue
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 18708
Location: NW Pa
Number of Birds Owned: 30
Types of Birds Owned: RoseBreasted too, CAG, DoubleYellowHead Amazon, BlueFront Amazon, YellowNape Amazon, Senegal, African Redbelly, Quaker, Sun Conure, Nanday, BlackCap Caique, WhiteBelly Caique, PeachFace lovebird, budgies,
Flight: Yes

Re: Pajarita's update

Postby liz » Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:34 am

Navre wrote:Ocean also flies through the curtains. She hits the center where they meet hard enough when she lands that they flip her around to the other side and she takes off without missing a beat. Where it's a single curtain, she does the same thing where it meets the floor.

Myrtle learned to do this. I put a curtain between dining room and living room hoping to keep her out of the living room. She learned to hit it and flip it so she would be in the next room.
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Gender: This parrot forum member is female
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Number of Birds Owned: 12
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Cockatiels: Shadow Tammy Flutter Phoenix Jackie
Andy Impy Louise Twila Leroy
Flight: Yes

Re: Pajarita's update

Postby stevesjk » Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:08 am

Thanks for the insight pajarita, im eventually going to go cageless when i move i think.
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 220
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Senegal parrot budgie
Flight: Yes


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