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African Ringneck Breeding

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Re: African Ringneck Breeding

Postby Ygmu99 » Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:25 am

Yes, there is a big problem with all those homeless parrots being abandoned after irresponsible owners can't care for them. I did try to adopt an amazon once (red crowned my favorite parrot) but the process is too long, and the shelter is far from were I live.

Like I said keeping the babies will not be a problem at all. I have the time and money to keep the parents and the babies all happy and healthy. And I have heard that if handfed the bond will be stronger between you and your bird. I have never heard of them thinking your their parent and becoming aggressive, but will make sure to look more into. Although I daught it. And no, I do not have syringes or anything like that I will buy them however as soon as I see eggs or I see them start to mate.

Were your cockatiels raised together? That's the only reason why I heard they don't mate either that or with some species of parrots like macaws I've heard they only mate with one mate their whole life and they won't accept any other mate ever again even after there mate for life dies. But that is also the first time I hear that happening. Cockatiels like budgies are also fairly easy to breed, not to sound offensive to some, but it seems as simple as putting a nesting box in the cage. ( I have a friend who literally thats all he does and few weeks later he gets babies.)

And yes I had Budgies before, but they werent "pets." We had a lot probably 40+ non were tame or had names, but we did have to take care of a couple babies once and we cleaned the cage and took care of the nest box, but like how Pajarita said
Budgies will mate in the worst conditions.

And yes African as well as Indian Ringnecks don't mate for life. Not all parrot species mate for life, and ringneck parakeets are one of them that don't mate for life.

The babies if I manage to get any this year will have a home forever. I am sure I will be able to care for them and give them a home. I am not alone by the way, I have 3 younger siblings and we all love parrots. So handling them will definately not be a problem. I think I will end up with som healthy and tamed babiesif i get any this year.

African Ringnecks only live about 20-25 years, accordingto most sites and books i've read, but even if they lived 60+ years I am ready to care for them that long. I will not be keeping all the babies some will be given away to family members. As for the parents they are not tame at all and It will take me years I'm sure to tame them so I will put them in a huge aviary were they can be "free."

And nothing bad we left them back in Mexico. I didn't list them as my pets because like I said they weren't really a pet.
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 10
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Types of Birds Owned: African Ringneck Parakeet
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Re: African Ringneck Breeding

Postby stevesjk » Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:22 am

That really tight bond between human and bird is normally forged through a one on one type relationship. Now dont get me wrong, chances are you will end up with some very tame babies if you handle them a lot but as you have several theres a big chance they'll lose that bit of tameness when you house them together when theyre older.

If you're hell bent on hand raising i think you have to do a lot of research. Its so easy to kill the bird from lack of heat, too much heat, choking on the formula etc.

Another option is handling the young consistently but letting the mother raise them. Probably safer - not that im promoting breeding of course.

Please thoroughly research.
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Re: African Ringneck Breeding

Postby liz » Wed Apr 12, 2017 7:20 am

I agree with Steve.
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Re: African Ringneck Breeding

Postby Pajarita » Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:07 am

Handfeeding a very young baby parrot tricks them into imprinting to humans BUT that doesn't work the same for all species of parrots. In parrots, you have companion species and then you have aviary species and the difference between the two is that companion species bond very deeply to humans (so much so that they actually want to have sex with humans) and will remain closely bonded to them all their lives while aviary species will prefer other parrots to humans once they become sexually active EVEN if handfed. All psittaculas are aviary species and VERY difficult to keep from reverting to wild ways and that's why they are never recommended for first time parrot owners (which you are). It's not that the parrot becomes aggressive and attacks people, it's that, when they reach a certain age, they become aloof, they don't want to be touched at all and will prefer other parrots over the human. Some people have been successful in creating a good relationship with a single one but it requires daily expert handling (again, that's why they are not recommended for inexperienced people) and you would never be able to achieve this if you have a flock no matter how hard or long you try. Besides, if you are talking about younger siblings helping with them so it seems to me that you are not a self-sufficient adult, that you are still living with your parents and that your life situation is still pretty much up in the air. I have taken in several birds from young adults who thought they were going to be able to care for their birds all their lives but found out differently - as a matter of fact, I will, most likely, be getting a white belly caique in October from a young man who lives in Florida precisely because of this. I've know this young man for several years and have seen his caique grow up in pictures and videos (he also keepss and breeds canaries -Spanish Timbrados, like I do- and has always kept in contact with me over them -he calls me his 'canary guru' :lol: ). He had just finished his high school when he got him, went to college, got a degree, became a physical therapist and later a yoga instructor and now, years later, he is just too busy to spend enough time with it so the bird started screaming almost non-stop so he gave him to a friend and the bird ended up not only screaming but also biting. Bird went back to him and now he has contacted me begging me to take him which, of course, I will. The point I am trying to make is that it's very attractive to think of raising babies and we all have the best of intentions when it comes to us been their forever home but one needs to be realistic about these things... especially when one is young.
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Flight: Yes

Re: African Ringneck Breeding

Postby Jweber278 » Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:42 pm

I have an outside aviary with 6 separate cages in it
Cage 1 breeding pair of crown Conure’s
Cage 2 breeding pair of Indian ringnecks
Cage 3 tamed sun conure
Cage 4 tamed pineapple conure
Cage 4 tamed Quaker
Cage 5 tamed Indian ringnecks
My question is my female I ndian ringnecks has just laid her 5th egg. My tamed birds are free flying Most of the time meaning I don’t always confine them to their cages. I have heard that Indian ringnecks like some privacy during this time should I confine my tamed birds to their cages until the babies hatch So that it is calmer and quieter in the aviary. My female has just laid her eggs so I would think she would be ready to incubate but every time I go into the aviary she pokes her head out to see what is going on. I am not sure if she’s not incubating yet or if she’s just too distracted? Advise please
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Types of Birds Owned: Crown Conure’s
Indian ringnecks
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Pineapple conure
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Re: African Ringneck Breeding

Postby Pajarita » Mon Mar 11, 2019 9:50 am

Welcome to the forum. I had to do a double take because.. an aviary with cages in it? It kind of nullifies the concept of aviary, doesn't it? But, in any case, I don't know about breeding Indian Ringnecks or any other type of parrot, actually, as I am completely opposed to it but I do know about breeding canaries and when the hen is incubating, it sits tight on the nest getting up only once or twice a day (always in the early morning and, sometimes but not often, in the evening). They leave the nest to drink, poop and eat a bit - they don't really need to eat much because the male feeds her in her beak when she is incubating. Is the male feeding her inside the nest? I would think that if she only peeps out, it should be OK. Why don't you ask your mentor? You did learn how to breed them through a hands-on approach by watching an experienced person do it, right? Well, this person should know the answer to your question.
Norwegian Blue
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Types of Birds Owned: RoseBreasted too, CAG, DoubleYellowHead Amazon, BlueFront Amazon, YellowNape Amazon, Senegal, African Redbelly, Quaker, Sun Conure, Nanday, BlackCap Caique, WhiteBelly Caique, PeachFace lovebird, budgies,
Flight: Yes


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