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scam report

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scam report

Postby Tom Reichert » Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:29 pm

I was planning to by a cockatoo bird from I wanted to pick up the bird from them instead of having it shipped. The person I talked to was Alissa Gonzalez she informed me I would have to pay $500.00 to make an appointment I asked if the money was refundable and was told ''100% refundable'' in case the bird and I weren't compatible. I wired the money using Zelle and have not heard from them even though I have emailed them 3 times. Don't use these people to buy a pet, there are a lot of good breeders out there, but this store is not one of them. You can go to and the BBB and read about other people who got scammed by this store.
Tom Reichert
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Re: scam report

Postby Pajarita » Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:27 am

I am sorry you had such a bad experience but, if I may give you a suggestion, if you've never had a cockatoo for, at least, 8 years before, I highly recommend you adopt one instead of buying a baby because, unfortunately for them, they are the number one given up bird. They are VERY difficult to keep happy -and, believe me when I tell you that everybody thinks they will be able to only to find out, a few years later, that they can't (cockatoos scream very loud and constantly when they are unhappy -I took in a screamer and he screamed non-stop for 10 months before he stopped). Adult birds are 'what you see is what you get' and rescues evaluate them and tell you what is what with each bird they have for adoption while babies are a lottery and very easy for inexperienced people to 'mess up'.
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Re: scam report

Postby Michael » Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:05 am

Pajarita wrote:if you've never had a cockatoo for, at least, 8 years before, I highly recommend you adopt one instead of buying a baby because, unfortunately for them, they are the number one given up bird.

Thing is, that's how the baby will be within 8 years anyway. Everyone likes to say it's the past owner that screwed them up, but in reality most of what you see is how they behave in captivity. They are given up not because the owner took poor care. They are given up because the way they really are is almost impossible to enjoy in a family home set up. The way they appear as babies is highly misleading.
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Re: scam report

Postby Pajarita » Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:31 am

Well, I agree but, at the same time, I disagree, Michael. Yes, cockatoos in captivity are very difficult to keep happy even when you give them freedom from a cage, company 24/7/365, the right diet, etc but the 'difficulty' is in keeping up with the right husbandry year after year after year and putting up with the chewing EVERYTHING they find and the loud twilight flock calls. The way I see it, the thing is that the greatest majority of them do not get what they need in captivity and this is their owner's fault 100% (because nobody takes the time to do the right research or has the right idea of what one can 'take' and for how long - we all think we can until we realize we can't). And, when they grow up living under the wrong conditions (caged for hours and hours, left alone for hours and hours, dry pellets or seed free-fed, human light schedule, etc), they get into the habit of screaming and screaming and screaming or plucking themselves naked while, if they had been treated the right way, they don't. I've had umbrellas, lessers and citron and they all ended up not screaming, not biting, etc although some of them did continue to pluck even when they got the right care.
Norwegian Blue
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Posts: 18707
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Number of Birds Owned: 30
Types of Birds Owned: RoseBreasted too, CAG, DoubleYellowHead Amazon, BlueFront Amazon, YellowNape Amazon, Senegal, African Redbelly, Quaker, Sun Conure, Nanday, BlackCap Caique, WhiteBelly Caique, PeachFace lovebird, budgies,
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