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Hi from newcomer in Indiana

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Hi from newcomer in Indiana

Postby Janis Bottomley » Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:19 am

I am Jan in Indiana. I have a a bronze-winged pionus and just recently purchased a 2 1/2 yr old male grey-headed cape, who is still in quarantine. My bronze-wing, Chico is wonderful. He thinks that the top of my head is the best perch in the house. We do dishes together and he "meows" to the cats outside the kitchen window. :D Toki is my new comer cape and he is coming along great...steps up, plays with his toys, etc. I'm in the process of switching his diet from mostly seeds to fruits, veggies, pellets and sprouted legumes and grains early in the day with seeds before bedtime. He is doing very well with the switch in only a couple of weeks. Eventually, because of the need to repopulate the capes, I would like to find a female grey-headed cape so they will hopefully pair up and breed. He's a little young now, but it won't be long. Looks like there was an ad by Marnie with a female cape for sale in June, but no mention whether the cape was a brown-necked or grey-headed. If anyone knows of an available female for a pet now and maybe a breeder later, please let me know. Thanks
Janis Bottomley
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 3
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Bronze-winged pionus, grey-headed cape
Flight: Yes

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