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help with rescue Senegal parrot

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help with rescue Senegal parrot

Postby andreajo » Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:27 pm

We have this Senegal parrot who was abused she is very aggressive we are slowly gaining trust she screams what my question is how do we get her to the point where we can handle her and she is not afraid of people and she does not scream so much.
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Re: help with rescue Senegal parrot

Postby Wolf » Sun Dec 27, 2015 7:15 pm

Mostly it is a matter of patience. Firstly, I would answer her when she screams. She is very likely to be terrified with her new home and the strange new humans. She knows that she is dependent on you and she is all alone. I would place her cage where she can see you most of the time with one side near a wall for her feelings of security, I would also place the cage near a window but not directly in front of it. You can answer her with a word or phrase or even a short whistle( one or two notes ) and if you will always use that to answer her she will pick up on it and begin to use it. It will be faster if you use a whistle as some parrots don't speak.
I would spend a lot of time talking to her and singing as well, parrots love music. If she is not nervous about you approaching her cage then I would also offer her treats while talking and singing to and with her.
This is just the very most basic way to begin with her. If you will share as much as you can about her as well as how experienced you are we can come together with more specific suggestions to help you. The more information and the more detailed it is the better we can answer your questions.
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Re: help with rescue Senegal parrot

Postby liz » Mon Dec 28, 2015 7:38 am

Forget about handling at this point. A rescued parrot not only need cared for physically but mentally the poor thing needs security. Wolf is right in the last post. I would add that you be near her as much as possible doing chores, watching TV or anything else that keeps you busy in her sight without you consintrating on her. Talk a lot even if you are reading a book out load. This will give her time to watch you and adjust to her surroundings.
You can parrot proof a room and open the cage door. She claims her cage as the only thing she knows is hers so find ways to clean and feed without making contact with her.
When she is ready to start trusting you she will climb to the top of her cage which I hope puts her at eye level. I would not try to touch her until she comes to you.
Many of us have rescued birds and each bird has to be treated that way with tweaking it to allow for the individual personalities. They have big personalities.
Read the thread about "Mimi". She has come a long way but still has more to go. Wolf has worked a miracle on her.
I rescued a skinny, dirty and terrified bird, Myrtle. I had been searching for a friend for Rambo when I found her in craigslist. The way she was posted set off bells and I knew she needed me.
I have a thread that tells her progress: Rambo & Myrtle. She would shake with fear if I even looked at her. I wanted to help her even if I would never be able to touch her. We are coming up on 5 years together now and she has gone from scared to social. She is a different bird than the scared kid I brought home.
Though it takes a long time it is really rewarding when you see progress.
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