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window obsession

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Re: window obsession

Postby seagoatdeb » Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:08 pm

Wolf brings up some very valid points. Directly in front of the window you do have to think about sunlight and also how drafty it might be. I face north so i dont have to worry about the Sun issue. Sunny is in a corner, close to the window but to the side of it, and there is no draft. Gaugan is a little farther from the window but her cage is situated so she can see out both the dining room widow and the living room window. Their toys are hung as play stations by the window and that can always work with sun, becasue they can move out of the sun if they need to.
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Re: window obsession

Postby Pajarita » Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:51 pm

I have cages smack in front of windows and I have some that are a bit to the side but still share part of the window as well as some that are against a wall (as few as I can make it and always near a window) and I've never noticed any difference in their behavior - as a matter of fact, thinking about it, I don't remember any of them ever actually looking out the window but my birds have other birds around them and I guess that makes a difference. I put them next to the window more for the light than the actual view.
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Re: window obsession

Postby Wolf » Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:32 am

I also have cages that are directly in front of windows, but I do not work out in the world so I am at home so my birds that have their cages directly in front of windows are usually out of their cages when the sun is shining directly on them. I also have bushes growing outside f these windows which serve to block predators from seeing the birds as well as providing shade for the cages when they are in the sun.

Each situation is different and what works for me may not be feasible for you. Predators are not my main concern as my dogs are penned outside the windows that have cages near or in front of them. I have large birds of prey such as hawks and eagles that live in my area and they can tear through a screen as if it were not even there and are large enough to break windows as well, but they are really not a problem for me as my doges are between 65 and 100 pounds, more than large enough to protect my birds. This may not be the case where you live.

Wild parrot do get direct sunlight but from all of my research they tend to congregate below the top of a trees canopy in the shade during the times that they could get overheated by the sun, so they need to have the shade so that they do not get too hot. If you are at home during these times you may have them out so that they can move out of the sun as needed or you may lower or adjust blinds or other window coverings to provide the amount of shade they need. But you may have an outside job that keeps you away during these times so you would need to be aware of these times and take whatever precautions are required for the birds safety and well being when you can't be there to address this in person. A little forethought and planning in advance can go a long way towards solving these issues before there can be a problem.
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Re: window obsession

Postby danamaynah » Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:09 am

i have considered the sunlight being too strong and have timed when the sunlight would be strong so by the time I come home from work the sun hasn't reached where his cage is placed yet and that's when I move it, regarding predators we don't have hawks we have mynahs pigeons and occasionally crows. and ive never seen one land on that particular window only on one that's in the other side of the flat.. he is a flyer and hes not shy to fly off my hand to reach the window and I always chat with him while approaching slowly, he gets less nervous if I stay with him longer but away as in not communicating with him.
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Re: window obsession

Postby danamaynah » Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:13 am

I thank u all for ur replies and will keep u up to date on his progress
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Re: window obsession

Postby Wolf » Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:38 am

Seems to me that your biggest problem is that you have not spent enough time with this bird, it is probably the main reason that he flies to the window and is nervous with you but begins to calm down the longer you spend with him. I know that you probably spend a lot of time with him, at least in terms of how humans relate to time, but it goes not appear that the bird thinks that it is enough time for it to fully trust and bond with you.
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Re: window obsession

Postby liz » Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:07 am

Windows are not a problem for my birds. Myrtle is the only one that flies through the house and hangs out in windows.
When she got to the point that she would climb on my shoulder I took her to the windows and tapped on them. She is exceptional and although a brat she is a very fast learner. You can't do it at this time but I suggest sheer curtains until it learns.
My suggestion, and sometimes it does not match anyone ells because I just treat them like kids, is to spend more time in the room. Hopefully you have him in your busiest room. (I don't agree with keeping them in a quiet room.) Since you will be busy with something else in the room he will have time to watch you and try to figure you out. You can read of talk to the TV. He does not know what you are doing but know you are being you without paying attention to him.

I would also have the cage door open as much as possible.

My little Cockatiels came to me in such bad shape that I thought they would never trust another human. The most abused and handicapped treat me as if I just belong in their world. If I am busy and don't spend a lot of time with them they still have each other. The more time I have and it goes from day to day the more they make contact with me.

Jackie does not want me to touch her. Most are afraid of hands. She has learned from Tommy that I praise him when he gives kisses. If she is on the top of a cage and away from hands she will tweet and walk to me for kisses. Phoenix who cannot fly because part of his wing was chopped off takes so long to get to the feed dish that I forgot who he was and scooped him and put him near the food. He was scared the first time but knew what I was doing the second time and that I was just moving him and putting him down in another place.

Gimpy who came with one leg and the other twisted finally grew his wings out. (How crual people are. He cannot walk and his last human took his flight.) He does not actually come to me but won't fly away if I go to talk to him nose to nose. He has become a confident member of the flock and will sometimes buzz me when I go in the room.

I don't treat them like pets. They are little beings with their own personalities. I don't need to touch them to make me happy because I know they are happy.

Sorry for talking so much about mine but the only knowledge I have of birds is as a mom and the information that this forum taught me. Respect your birds space. Treat him like a being instead of a possession. You have only one and it will come to you when it is ready.

Myrtle took a long time to trust me. She did not really start until her wings grew back. Now she is an ornament that hangs on me most of the day. (She even lets me wipe her beak with a tissue when she gets her gloop on it.)
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Re: window obsession

Postby danamaynah » Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:48 am

Liz I enjoyed reading that it shows how much u love them and treat them like family members and I think that wolf is right about the time spent with him, will work on that and hopefully will get to good results, I want him to trust me and would love to have a relationship like Liz has with hers :roll:
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Re: window obsession

Postby liz » Fri Dec 16, 2016 7:00 am

My Cockatiels were under attach once from an owl trying to fly through the screen for lunch. His mouth must have been watering while trying to get them. We have so many hawks here that we have lost l kittens and my big cat. My son even saw a hawk being chased by a Bald Eagle. Charles made another layer of protection by adding hardware cloth (cage wire) to their window so birds of prey cannot get them. Screens don't do the job.

I put a large cage in front of their window. They can go to it to sun themselves but can fly into the rest of the room if they get too hot.
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Re: window obsession

Postby danamaynah » Sat Dec 17, 2016 7:00 am

gosh that must be terrifying for the birds to watch
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