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Where do you put your Parrot when it's out of the Cage?

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Re: Where do you put your Parrot when it's out of the Cage?

Postby PatrickAlan » Sat Apr 22, 2017 7:43 am

alienlady wrote:Patrick I obviously misread the situation, I do apologise.

To be honest, I just can't go thru my busy days with a Parrot on my shoulder. Perhaps there are those bird owners out there who can. For me, it's just not practical. I do take 'JoJo' out of her cage numerous times during the day to hold her, cuddle and put her on my shoulder, while I'm working on my computer. Sometimes she behaves, and sometimes she just doesn't. I have the "Percher" for her - but she refuses to stay on it and flies off, and usually ends up on the floor. I do use the word "No" with her or "No Bite". This is clearly a work in progress, but she is only 4-months old, and she truly is a joy to have around, she's very sweet and clearly does love my company. I'm enjoying her immensely.
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Re: Where do you put your Parrot when it's out of the Cage?

Postby Michael » Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:21 am

That is totally fine. You shouldn't put or let your parrot on your shoulder unless you are completely comfortable with it being there and your ability to remove it.
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Re: Where do you put your Parrot when it's out of the Cage?

Postby Pajarita » Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:09 pm

But does she really bite you or is she beaking you? Because a bite implies aggression, blood letting, etc. while beaking is what they do when they are young and learning textures and flavors. It's kind of like when babies put everything in their mouth or puppies chew on EVERYTHING -I raised a bull mastiff mix for one of my daughters that chew the sheetrock on the walls! :shock: (he is the most perfect dog now). It's just experimentation and they outgrow it but you do need to teach them where your pain threshold is so, when they start applying too much pressure with the beak, what I do is touch (kind of like a very gentle tap) the top of their heads and say: "Gently, gently" and praise, praise, praise when they release it.

As to some owners being able to do chores with birds on their shoulders, that's me! :lol: I do almost all my morning chores with a couple of birds on me and can do practically anything with them along... wash dishes and floors, sweep, dust, clean cages, feed the dogs, clean litter boxes, take a shower (not on me but on the towel rod with the shower curtain opened just a crack so they can see me), etc. I've gotten so used to it that I hardly notice and they have gotten so used to it that they move up and down my back, my front or my arms following my movements without any of us even realizing what we are doing. I am a human bird perch! :lol:
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Re: Where do you put your Parrot when it's out of the Cage?

Postby DanaandPod » Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:34 pm

Michael, i like your point about the recognizable perches. In my cages, i only use nu perch as their top perch. I plan to make a tree, so ill get a few nu perches to attach for that purpose. I have designated chew areas. Flight stands. They want to be where i am, going back and forth, from that to play. I even have milk crates they climb up on and in...tossing around balls. Or nocking the array of jars off my desk with various sound items inside. Tearing the notebooks to shreds, that i wont let them know, are not actually important. My meyers just wants to chew wood alllllll day. I noticed and have a simple design to build and hang in various spots, to redirect her to. Home depot pine is good.
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Re: Where do you put your Parrot when it's out of the Cage?

Postby DanaandPod » Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:38 pm

Michael, i like your point about the recognizable perches. In my cages, i only use nu perch as their top perch. I plan to make a tree, so ill get a few nu perches to attach for that purpose. I have designated chew areas. Flight stands. They want to be where i am, going back and forth, from that to play. I even have milk crates they climb up on and in...tossing around balls. Or nocking the array of jars off my desk with various sound items inside. Tearing the notebooks to shreds, that i wont let them know, are not actually important. My meyers just wants to chew wood alllllll day. I noticed and have a simple design to build and hang in various spots, to redirect her to. Home depot pine is good. I cant relate to those who dont want a parrot on their shoulder! My jardine is a weirdo! He always wants to be in my lap or the floor! But i love when my little meyers keeps me company on my shoulder! Its so sweet.
Piccolo and Pod
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Types of Birds Owned: male Jardines parrot, a female meyers parrot, and two budgies
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