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A Guide to Budgerigar (Budgie) Care

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A Guide to Budgerigar (Budgie) Care

Postby Georginia » Sun May 07, 2017 2:57 am

I have learned much about budgerigar care over the years, and I've decided to share it with you guys in case you're considering adopting one of these amazing birds into your home! I hope you find this information useful!

Budgies are a popular pet bird, and for good reason! Smart and loyal, budgies are everything a larger parrot is, just in a smaller, easier-to-care-for package! Though smaller in size, these birds have big personalities and can learn to love their human, just like any macaw or cockatoo, but less demanding. Although it is easier to take care of these birds than it is to care for a larger parrot, these parrots are not exactly considered low maintenance.

Budgies are small, at an average length of 7 inches including their long tails. They come in many different colors ranging from green and yellow to blue and white to white and grey, and some can even be plain white (there are a couple other colors I probably forgot to mention). Most budgies, however, also have what are like black stripes starting at their head and going all the way down on their wings. They also usually have dark blue marks on what would be their cheeks and small black dots on their necks. Truly beautiful birds, budgies are.

Although small, if worked with hard enough, a budgie can have quite a large vocabulary! When people want a talking parrot, they usually consider the African Grey as their first choice, but little do they know that it is a budgie that holds the record for the parrot with largest vocabulary! However, not all budgies do talk, though some can pick up a few or even a lot of words!

Budgies are classified as seed-eating birds. However, like any other parrot, budgies also need grains, veggies, fruits, and pellets added to their diet. A lot of people recommend feeding gloop, a soft food which contains numerous grains and some vegetables. Fruit and seed should be given more like a treat, because seed is high in fat and fruits high in sugar. I would recommend feeding gloop, vegetables, pellets, and even a tiny bit of seed if you wish, daily. A cuttlebone should be placed in the cage for added calcium and to keep a bird's beak trimmed. Never EVER feed avocado or chocolate to your bird, these are toxic.

Like any parrot, budgies should be given out of cage time for at least one hour at the minimum, 2 or more hours are definitely preferred. Even if given out of cage time, a budgie still needs a nice, safe lace to call home - in other words, a cage. Many people say the minimum cage requirement for one budgie should be 18 by 18 by 18 inches. I, however, think one budgie should be given AT LEAST a cage with measurements of 24 inches by 20 inches by 20 inches. However, the bigger the better.

To make a budgie's life even more enjoyable, perhaps consider making a nice bird playgym for him. PVC pipe is often used to make these playgyms, however, if possible, wood needs to be added to it a well. I'm currently in the progress of making on for my birds - it will be made out of PVC pipe and wood.

As you can see, budgie care isn't all that easy! You technically have to cook for your bird, every day! Plus, you should do a full clean out of the budgie's cage at least once a week. You have to be prepared to spend a lot of time with your bird if you plan to get one. But if you take proper care of your budgie, you can get a nice, loyal birdie companion!

That is it for now. I will add more as I think of more to add! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! :)
Last edited by Georginia on Sun May 07, 2017 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I currently have two male Budgies, whom I love very much! I hope to soon expand my bird family and adopt more loving feathered friends into my home!
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 40
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Budgies/Parakeets
Flight: Yes

Re: A Guide to Budgerigar (Budgie) Care

Postby Pajarita » Sun May 07, 2017 9:54 am

VERY well done, Geo!!!! I would not recommend PVC and I would actually suggest a larger cage (I like to give them height as well as width), I also don't believe that the sugar in fruits (fructose and not sucrose which is what our 'regular' sugar is) is bad for them. But, all in all, I am VERY impressed with your knowledge! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Norwegian Blue
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Re: A Guide to Budgerigar (Budgie) Care

Postby Trick or 'Tiel » Sun May 07, 2017 9:58 am

Good job! Pajarita is right that you need a larger cage. The bigger the better!!!
Trick or 'Tiel
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 124
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Cockatiel, Budgie
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Re: A Guide to Budgerigar (Budgie) Care

Postby Georginia » Sun May 07, 2017 1:31 pm

Thanks, guys! I do also agree that they should get a bigger cage, I was just listing minimum size, or at least what I thought should be minimum. Ooh, yes, yes, height is important, as well! One of my budgies loves to climb, so that's why I bought such a tall cage for them (it's also rather long and wide)!
I currently have two male Budgies, whom I love very much! I hope to soon expand my bird family and adopt more loving feathered friends into my home!
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 40
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Budgies/Parakeets
Flight: Yes

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