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Good free sources of information about African Greys?

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Good free sources of information about African Greys?

Postby ralf425 » Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:25 am


After a long time of thinking about what my first species of a big parrot will be, I've decided to go with what I had on my mind from the beginning: an African Grey. I plan to go for it as soon as I'm living on myself, so I still got some years to prepare and learn about them, and I wish to use my time effectively. So my question to u guys is: Do you know some nice and free sources of information about caring for these beautiful creatures etc.? :gray: Thanks!

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Re: Good free sources of information about African Greys?

Postby Pajarita » Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:36 am

No, I don't. But, in all honesty, I stopped reading parrot reference books a long time ago because I've never found a single one that gave correct information. The one thing I can tell you about grays is that, if you work outside the house, you won't be able to keep one of them happy - and you can't even get two hoping they will bond because, in my personal experience, they are one of the hardest species to get to bond with another bird. They are also not good for people who are not in a very stable situation because change of any kind affects them severely so, even if you are home all the time and even if you have prior experience with parrots, if you are young, chances are, it won't work out for the bird [this is because young people change jobs, go out all the time, want to travel, get new boy/girlfriends, get married, have kids, etc - too many changes for a bird that doesn't do well with change].
Norwegian Blue
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Re: Good free sources of information about African Greys?

Postby » Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:52 pm

Agree, AG's need lots of attention. They are like toddlers who are constantly on the move and have a short attention span for toys. We have an AG and a Senegal (in different cages, of course). We are gone all day so I purchased a large aviary (5X5 feet) and fill it with all sorts of things for the CAG to destroy (cardboard, paper, wood chews, dried Yucca chews, seagrass mats) all day. The aviary is in the same room as the flight cage where my Senegal lives and also has lots of stuff to destroy all day (though the Senegal is much more of a perch potato and tends to hang out in just one section of the flight cage). I also leave noise for them (TV or radio or playlist of bird sounds). When I come home each day, the floor of the Grey's enclosure is littered with shredded stuff and he tells me "good work". Both birds seem very happy with this arrangement - they talk, whistle, are fully feathered, flighted, and enjoy coming out and hanging out on their Java Trees (at separate times - never both out at the same time)- when we are home. Both like having head pets when they are out. So my experience is that it is possible to have an AG if you work but it takes a lot of effort and expense to create a habitat that keeps an AG occupied all day while at work. And, not all Greys will behave in this fashion. My CAG is from a rescue and was already into his 3rd decade when he joined our home a couple of years ago. So I had the benefit of knowing the personality and background of my bird and had the benefit of talking with the prior owner of 13 years who gave him up for health reasons. That knowledge gave me a head start on creating the ideal environment for him. I have had the Senegal much longer and have done the same for her (she had budgies in a separate flight cage to keep her company for many years but they ultimately died of old age).
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 1
Number of Birds Owned: 2
Types of Birds Owned: Senegal Parrot, African Grey Parrot
Flight: Yes

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