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My baby 2.5 month old Alexandrine first fly - hit two window

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My baby 2.5 month old Alexandrine first fly - hit two window

Postby alexandrin » Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:12 am

Hello Dear Friends,

5 days ago I bought a new family member, Alexandrine, Alex his name. He is 2-3 months old.

Today I decided to open his cage's top side and try and make him step up on my hand, he finally did, but then he took a flight to another room, hit his nose into the window, I took him... then he stood up on my hand until we got back to the room where his cage stands, here he again took a flight into the window, fallen to the floor, refused to step up on my hand from the floor.

So I took him softly with both my hands around his back, to bring him back into the cage before more "accidents" happened, I think it was already too much for the first time outside the cage.

When I tried get close / touch him shortly after while he is inside the cage, he was very scared, didn't want me get close, seems as he is highly stressed as his whole body slightly bumps up/down every second.

Also should i keep her cage covered with something to make it "darker' for her to relax ? or keep her cage un covered to regular light while he is relaxing?

Also from the window accident, his nose got some thing... see attached photo..its OK? it will get over? does it hurt?


Would appreciate suggestions!

Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 38
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Types of Birds Owned: ALDXANDRINE 3 Month Old boy :)
Flight: Yes

Re: My baby 2.5 month old Alexandrine first fly - hit two window

Postby Pajarita » Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:32 am

Hi, Rom and welcome to the forum! Poor baby, it must have been soooo scared!

Before anything else, I need to mention the fact that this is a VERY young baby and that you need to handfeed it for another couple of months (you know this, right?). Please make sure the formula is mixed with baby food jars of fruit because the commercial formula is way too high in protein for any psittacula so you need to dilute it. It's really terrible that it's legal to sell unweaned babies in USA but then we are so behind other countries when it comes to animal wellfare laws that is not even funny! Aside from the hand-feeding, you also need to provide soft food served warm and fresh twice a day (and for breakfast for the rest of their lives -psittaculas cannot eat pellets at all or be free-fed seeds, if you do, they end with mojo molt and liver and kidney malfunction) and large portions of fruit (they are mainly fruit eaters in the wild).

Now, as to what happened. I am afraid that you made a couple of mistakes. Perfectly understandable mistakes because I am sure that you thought you were doing the best for the baby but birds are not like other pets and they require different plans of action than, say, a puppy or a kitten.
First thing one needs to do for a new bird is to show it that it can trust us and to allow it time to get used to its new home and human - and that's why we don't let them out of the cage for the first week. Baby birds are not people-oriented through the right socialization done at the time window for it, like puppies or kittens. You need to earn their trust and, later on, their love. And that takes planning and a bit of work. But don't worry, we can help you with it.

First of all, you need to make sure the housing is good. The cage should be roomy enough (minimum is 5 X the height of the bird and 3X its wingspan in width), never round but rectangular, the bar gage should be right for the size of the bird (for yours, 5/8 to 3/4 will do it) the perches cannot be dowels (I recommend tree branches, a booda and a sweetfeet), it should be placed against a wall (or have a material or something covering the back -this makes them feel safe) and the roosting perch should be at your eye level when you are standing up (they dislike big aliens looming over them) and it should receive natural light (best exposure is East and South). i/.

Now, as to why he crashed against a window twice. Birds, especially baby birds, need to first feel comfortable and relaxed in their new home (because, if they are still scared when you let them out, they take off like a bat out of hell and end up crashing against something) and that's why is not recommended that you let them out on the first week. This period of time is actually flexible and you could kind of play by ear BUT if you have no experience with parrots (you need to be able to read their body language and translate it correctly), wait an entire week. Spend as much time as you can (and, with such a young baby, it should be many hours every day and during the day because you can't interact with a bird at night as it needs to be kept at a strict solar schedule or you mess up its endocrine system), remember that baby birds are never alone in the wild. They are ALWAYS with siblings and parents so, to them, being alone is terribly stressful for the simple reason that it could mean death. You don't need to do anything special, you can do your own thing like read, watch TV, work on your computer, play video games, do chores around the room, etc as long as, every now and then, talk/whistle/sing to the bird and offer an occasional treat (make it a tiny piece of a millet spray which is low protein and soft enough for its beak). If the bird doesn't take the treat, just leave it where it can reach it and walk away. Do not stare at it (only predators do that) but keep your eye on it to see what it does (because you want to learn their body language so you can tell when the bird is anxious or relaxed, subdued or excited, etc). Do NOT ask it to step up or put your hand near it if you see that it's scared of you, give it time. But do offer the syringe at least three times a day because it needs handfeeding that often (no matter what the breeder told you).

After a week of getting it to trust you, you can open the door to the cage (not the top) and walk away. If the cage doesn't have a 'drawbridge' door (the kind that locks at the top and opens down into a little platform), put a perch on the outside of the door where the bird can reach it. Keep the door to the room closed because he needs to learn to fly properly and master the maneuvers before he can go to other rooms he doesn't know (by being in the same room for days, he would have learned the 'lay' of it and the distances -they have excellent spatial skills). Do not make sudden moves, do not make loud noises and do not approach it until it lands somewhere. It will, most likely, end up on the floor and, if and when it does, do not rush to it, just walk while talking to it using words and phrases you have been using all along with him -things like his name, pretty bird, good bird or whatever- said in a soft and calm tone of voice. Put your hand down to it and ask it to step up and, when it does (and it will), praise, praise, praise and slowly walk it back to its cage and putting your hand next to the top, tell it to Step down - and, when it does (and it will), praise, praise, praise and offer it a little treat from your hand (I keep a couple of treats in my pockets all the time when I have new thirds). I've been using the generic 'it' but, if the bird has been DNAd, you can use the gender appropriate pronoun.

As to its beak... yes, it's bruised and cracked but the crack appears to be superficial so there is really nothing you can do except make sure it gets soft food and that it is eating it. Just keep your eye on the bird and the beak and, if you notice anything abnormal -like the bird not eating or sleeping too much all fluffed up- take it to the vet. But do NOT cover the cage. Birds' cage should NEVER EVER be covered during the day, it messes up their endocrine system and lowers their immune system response.

Let me know if there is anything I need to clarify or if I forgot to cover all your doubts.
Norwegian Blue
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Flight: Yes

Re: My baby 2.5 month old Alexandrine first fly - hit two window

Postby alexandrin » Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:47 am

Thanks a lot, you really helpful!

** Just went out and bought for him parrot food for small parrots, he wont eat yeat from the plastic box (he stopped since today's accident, still in stress) but he did eat those from my finger - which is good I believe **

Btw here I made video how it looks after the crash, like an hour later:

The store told me he is 2-3 month old, but frankly looks like he might be older, isn't it? He is eating alone from the cage, dry food that the store sold us, in that food there is also sunflower seeds.
Last edited by alexandrin on Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 38
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Types of Birds Owned: ALDXANDRINE 3 Month Old boy :)
Flight: Yes

Re: My baby 2.5 month old Alexandrine first fly - hit two window

Postby alexandrin » Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:38 pm

Btw: since the accident he is fluffy
And doesn't eat, yet, he eat from my finger ....
So I believe he still in a pain of shock...
So should be better in a day or two.

Also, something he did before the accident - turning his head back and settling/sleeping like this, its normal? but not all the time, he did it sometimes before the accident, yet, now I see he sleeping like this for last two hours already, its late here almost 10 PM.

Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 38
Number of Birds Owned: 0
Types of Birds Owned: ALDXANDRINE 3 Month Old boy :)
Flight: Yes

Re: My baby 2.5 month old Alexandrine first fly - hit two window

Postby alexandrin » Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:57 pm

Good News!

Waking up this morning, just now, taking him back to the main room where sun light is there, waiting 10 minutes and the baby is EATING from the food can in the cage, woohoo! Certainly a sign - he is recovering from the first flight accident shock!

I also bought calcium vitamines and put him a little bit in his water, to help his beak with better and easier recovery, is it good idea?

I see he is like breathing heavily, not that I hear but his whole body is like slightly goes up/down, thats could be part of yesterday's shock? or its normal?

Here attached his beak, before and after yesterday's accident:



Here how he is eating now on his own again:

Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 38
Number of Birds Owned: 0
Types of Birds Owned: ALDXANDRINE 3 Month Old boy :)
Flight: Yes

Re: My baby 2.5 month old Alexandrine first fly - hit two window

Postby alexandrin » Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:42 am

So far:

1. Drinking normally as before it seems.
2. Eating pretty actively, I see him going to the food jar pretty often, as he used to do before accident.
3. Below in my post, attached 3 new photos from today.
4. Breathing - I am not 100% sure was like this before or not, but his whole bodys seems to be elevating slightly and going down and vice versa, due to his breathing, I cant remember if it was like this before accident... can someone suggest if its normal? maybe due to stress from yesterday?

I took two videos, you can see on 2nd video especially when I look from his back, how he moves up/down:!AoV4qj_8dsnieF5Irit ... A?e=d77xa8!AoV4qj_8dsnieX0r70t ... s?e=tsCph2

Here I just gave him a treat fresh fruit, he eats with a joy:!AoV4qj_8dsnievp9EHe ... A?e=6XMVPW

3 photos from today:
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 38
Number of Birds Owned: 0
Types of Birds Owned: ALDXANDRINE 3 Month Old boy :)
Flight: Yes

Re: My baby 2.5 month old Alexandrine first fly - hit two window

Postby Pajarita » Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:03 am

Well, he/she has a HUGE bruise on its beak so, yes, I am sure the poor thing is in pain but I did not see labored breathing... Now, please do not take this the wrong way because I am not trying to offend you or hurt your feelings in any way, I am just trying to help your bird because I see things that are not good for it.
1) that cage is completely and 100% inadequate for your bird. It's not even big enough for a finch, much less a bird that is 20 times bigger than that. Your bird couldn't even open his wings in there, the ends would bump against the sides of the cage! My male canaries have cages that are three times as wide as that one. Plus, the bars are too thin and too close (but this is because it's meant for a much smaller bird). Birds don't have homes, they live in the open sky so putting them in teeny tiny cages is VERY unhealthy for them both from a physical as well as an emotional point of view.
2) the one and only perch is a dowel and that is a huge NO NO for birds, they deform the feet, cause bumble foot and atrophy the muscles in the toes, feet and legs. They need a variety of perches with different diameters, uneven surfaces and not all of them perfectly straight (like tree branches).
3) there isn't enough light in that room (curtains drawn) and cage is in the wrong place (not in front of window) and it seems to be too low to the ground (birds live in trees).
4) you are feeding it wrong - Alexes cannot free-feed seed and they can never eat sunflower seeds - the bad diet causes mojo molt, fatty liver disease and high uric acid (which, in turn, causes kidney stones and gout). They are fruit eaters and that means low protein, almost no fat, very high fiber and super high moisture - the opposite of what you are feeding. I am sure the store told you that this is good for your bird but that's because they want to sell you something - rule of thumb is never believe what a merchant tells you about his merchandise, find out on your own.

My dear, you really need to do a whole lot more research on bird husbandry, in general (birds cannot be up at night, they need a strict solar schedule with full exposure to dawn and dusk and darkness and quiet during the night) and psittaculas in particular because I can tell that your heart is in the right place and that you are trying very hard to do well by your bird but, although we can help you with the right kind of advice, you also need to study on your own and learn how they live in the wild. Psittaculas are not easy birds to keep because they are aviary and not companion, and you cannot feed commercial food (like a seed mix or pellets). I have two IRNs that were fed seeds for years, they both have liver malfunction and one of them plucks while the other one is terribly highstrung. They are not doing badly but it will take a couple more years for them to be at an acceptable state of health and they will require meds and a special diet for the rest of their lives.
Norwegian Blue
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
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Flight: Yes

Re: My baby 2.5 month old Alexandrine first fly - hit two window

Postby alexandrin » Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:35 am

Hi Again,

I've read it, well going to certainly make sure the bird is near the window in day time, to get more sun light and at night, make sure its in dark until the morning.

Secondly, I will go after the right perch - I know what you mean, those special once with unregular design, will find it and replace the regular one. Gonna take taxi shortly and find this!

As for food - I will also ask in the store for fruits/veg based food, will figure this out. Meantime, can you suggest if the one I ordered yesterday is good please? ordered this food,for smaller birds, to make it easier for him to eat after the accident, he loves it so much so far.

Here I attach the food settings, is this one good for him?

Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 38
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Types of Birds Owned: ALDXANDRINE 3 Month Old boy :)
Flight: Yes

Re: My baby 2.5 month old Alexandrine first fly - hit two window

Postby Pajarita » Thu Aug 01, 2019 11:09 am

Yes, budgie seed mix is the right kind for them but you can't fill up a bowl with it in the morning and leave it there all day long. It needs to be served only for dinner and only about one tablespoon of it. No more than that. For breakfast (birds mainly eat twice a day: breakfast and dinner) you need to provide food you prepare because there is no commercial food that will work (all of it will be way too dry so as to stay fresh for weeks or even months on a shelf). It needs to eat cooked whole grains mixed with frozen veggies. You cook the grains (not too soft, al dente), let them cool and then add frozen vegetables (because frozen is more nutritious than fresh) without thawing them. Then you split this into daily portions (about three tablespoons of the mix) and freeze them. At night, you take one portion (you might want to use something like an ice cube tray for this) and leave it out of the fridge so it thaws overnight and, in the morning and making sure it's at room temperature, you serve it along with fresh produce (they need the fresh for the digestive enzymens and phytonutrients): a leafy green (but not spinach), one piece of veggie and one (large) piece of fruit - try for a different one each day of the week so as to ensure it is getting a nice range of vitamins and minerals. You should also give it a multivitamin/mineral supplement because it cannot produce vit D3 on its own living indoors.

And, please, get him a good cage! It doesn't have to be a new one, see if you can find a good used one for sale but make sure it's large enough (36 height x 36 width x 22 depth is good), that it has all the parts and no rust - disinfect it well (use Clorox in the water and soap) and set it up with different kinds of perches (but not so many that the bird has no room to move around the cage) and a couple of soft toys (like the ones made out of balsa wood, dry yucca or grasses)
Norwegian Blue
Gender: This parrot forum member is female
Posts: 18707
Location: NW Pa
Number of Birds Owned: 30
Types of Birds Owned: RoseBreasted too, CAG, DoubleYellowHead Amazon, BlueFront Amazon, YellowNape Amazon, Senegal, African Redbelly, Quaker, Sun Conure, Nanday, BlackCap Caique, WhiteBelly Caique, PeachFace lovebird, budgies,
Flight: Yes

Re: My baby 2.5 month old Alexandrine first fly - hit two window

Postby alexandrin » Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:35 pm

Quick question,
For breakfast, can I include green peas and mango as well? With bit of vegies, Mix it with a bit of seeds ....? Also inwant include bit of grapes?

Thank you so much for everything!!
Gender: This parrot forum member is male
Posts: 38
Number of Birds Owned: 0
Types of Birds Owned: ALDXANDRINE 3 Month Old boy :)
Flight: Yes


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